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Posted: 24-08-2004 15:18
by speedy


Posted: 24-08-2004 15:18
by Mongeh
what i think you don't understand is this, firstly you had a go at shev about flaming u needlessy, if i had the desire to read through your drivel of a first post i'd quote you but having a go at the deathball leader , (tht's davidm btw) is an entirely ridiculous way to express your opinion. firstly if davidm wanted to turn it into soccer tbh thts his pergoative, however he has quite expressly said on numersus occasions he does catagorically not want another fifa. Now, presuming you liked verisons such as 1.9b for instance do you rememebr how we got there? hands up if you remember 1.7 ??? if it wasn't for mistakes being made then noone would be able to make it better, so how about you add your opinions about the current version in a thread tht davidm might actually be arsed to read through, and contribute minus the language constructively, else i'm afraid it's you who does not deserve to speak not Shev. + just saw the posting and you thing in off topic, take a look mael.

Posted: 24-08-2004 15:33
by Shev.npu
Maelstrom wrote: Shev you shouldn't even have the right to speak, your arguments are worthless and empty of sense...

Before anyone else post read this :

I am not doing this thread to whine about offense tricks being taken away. It's an open message to the DB crew. If you're going to flame me, to post some shitty comments, get the fuck out. Trash your computer and go kill yourself for christ's sake. This is not ''déjà vu'' or ''Surge-like''

Oh and berk, leave the personal hate behind or just do what I sai d, ^ above.

loller skates m8..

dont even think about saying that to me after ur little speach ! :\

empty of sense is ur message m8.. u caffafelled a load of shit in ur first post which i gave answers to which were totally useless and stating the point.

speedy it wasnt "football" origanlly, we just like to call it that cuz soccer sounds american imo

Posted: 24-08-2004 15:41
by Maelstrom
speedy wrote: it's_not_soccer_you_retard.


I say soccer 'cause if I use football NA players will be confused. Soccer is soccer no matter where you come from. And I like how you can base that I'm an ''ego-player'' from the single fact that I try to help out by saying not to make it FIFA-like...

Oh and, Mongeh, I'm not ''having a go'' at DavidM... that's just stupid. I'm one of those guys that think that if it wasn't of him and his team that we wouldn't be here.

For the last fucking time, I'm not whining about anyone's work and complaining on DavidM's idea to make DB whatever he wants... I'm just saying that he'll lose alot of fans if he makes DB soccer-ish for the simple fact that there are better soccer games out there.

Leave in what makes Deathball a hell of a good mod for everyone...

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:09
by Esorcismo
Maybe this is just a difference between people who value the true football (soccer to the Americans) and people who value something more rapid. Speaking as an Italian who is an avid hockey player, I value a quick-paced game. In a way it always was like soccer for regular games... but there is the group of us that like hockey-style games as well that are quicker and more intense. Many of us enjoy that style, you can have your game and I will join reg matches every so often... but sometimes I would like to just jump into a quick high-action game, and let's face it... reg is anything but a quick-paced fast-action game. I'm not asking you to change reg, just to give us back VO for those that enjoy it.

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:17
by speedy
Maelstrom wrote: Oh and, Mongeh, I'm not ''having a go'' at DavidM... that's just stupid. I'm one of those guys that think that if it wasn't of him and his team that we wouldn't be here.
Maelstrom wrote: I think I voice all of NA when I say that I don't want to play fucking SOCCER when I load up DB. If I want to play SOCCER, I'm gonna get that stupid FIFA game or whatever the hell it is nowadays.

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:20
by Esorcismo
Effective post... proof that some people SHOULD be seen and not heard...

/me slowly waits the originality of a turnaround comeback...

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:29
by f1end
sorry if I missed anything... but how is Deathball getting like soccer?

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:30
by Robotojon
since when was fifa first person ?

Posted: 24-08-2004 16:41
by Inphidel
Its actually alot like arena soccer. that is played here in the states.. tho i'm not sure they ever kick it at the wall back to themselves. but i havnt really ever watched a full game.

cept you can't pickup the ball in soccer ;) but holding onto the bal and running db is alot like say your dribbling the ball. and getting hit two times is like someone stealing the ball from ya.

and you can't boost in arena soccer. thats the one thing that keeps this game from feeling like soccer completly.

all i'd like to see is:

The Self-Volley power reduced for games of over 8 players.
and the catch to pass delay taken away (except for keepers)

yes it takes more skill now to get a volley from behind. i can respect that. but when your breaking your way into the pbox. kinda sux when you catch a pass. and sorta enjoy that slowmotion of looking at where you could be putting a shot. only to get killed waiting for the delay to end.

while some of these delays and changes make the game more fair. its killing the fast passed fun DB used to have there are other ways to balance out the defensive power and offensive power.

like larger pboxes. faster keeper speed. All i see now is the game getting slower and slower.

Posted: 24-08-2004 17:27
by Maelstrom
speedy wrote: PWNDY0URS3LFGGBiBi
Those are 2 different statements... I don't see how I ''PWNDMYS3LF''.

From now on why don't you simply stay out of this?

Posted: 24-08-2004 17:53
by theberkin8or
there was no personal h8 m8, just truth, it is arogant to claim to speak for the whole community when clearly you don't, and i was right this has been said at least 100 times.

oo btw I started playing this game becuase it was like soccer not the other way around, and would like it to be MORE like soccer (remove boosting, making volleying more skilled among other things)

Posted: 24-08-2004 18:16
by Maelstrom
And you think you know what thinks the entire community, berk? This works both ways... who are you to claim I do not speak for most of the community? What's left of that community, rather. You don't even play DB so why do you even speak?

Oh yeah, and go buy FIFA.

Posted: 24-08-2004 18:28
by Shev.npu
ffs keep it on topic...
For the last fucking time, I'm not whining about anyone's work and complaining on DavidM's idea to make DB whatever he wants... I'm just saying that he'll lose alot of fans if he makes DB soccer-ish for the simple fact that there are better soccer games out there.

Posted: 24-08-2004 18:40
by devnull
Personally i dislike vo but i do understand the reason behind maels argument. Im not saying that vo is a bad thing but it is def. not the way we want the community to develop. We need to keep it team oriented and not all 1v1 like it was in the old days.

It seems that since vo was introduced that the communitys have shrunk to the point that most of the good teams moved on and it became a "every man for himself" game. We need to focus on getting teams back together and helping new teams start and stay strong.

i totally agree making volley power lower just for the simple fact that our last few game have been more fun, faster paced, and more of a passing game. this is what deathball started as and what it should stay as.

As for speaking for a majority of the community i don`t really think anyone can do that on this topic but it seems to be and even split. Newer players 1.5 and above want the vo and the original members want the normal DB.