
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by Twigstir »

I'm not going to replay to any post in particular. Most posts are just retarded in this thread and the others.

Players who don't use teamwork, regardless of how, will always be a problem and impact deathball negatively. A self volley is an individual shot. It's only a different kind of individual shot. Nobody with a functioning brain can conclude that a self volley is anything less of value than a powered shot or pass shot. Anything negative about self volleys directly applies to both powered and pass shots.

The only negative impact VO has on regular deathball, is for the few players who try deathball via VO, don't like VO, and don't stay long enough to try regular deathball. Of course, REG has the same negative impact on VO. Any negative VO comments that suggest otherwise, are baseless and moronic. REG and VO benefit each other. There isn't a logical position to the contrary.

In my opinion the most unbalanced aspects of deathball were:
1.) no shake on rmb pass
2.) keeper volley radius
3.) the shake effect itself - the effect should be tapered off to a normal state

They all still exist.
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Post by Inphidel »

I'm just upset that some of the aspects of DB that made it more entertaining are being nerfed. I play alot of mixers now adays way more then I play VO. and I still feel nerfed. If i get a pass and wanna bounce it off the wall real quick to juke the goalie into leaving me an open space. I now expect to get a weak shot that can easily save. i've been reduced to either a straight out volley. or catch and shoot.

one good benifit out of the changes I can see. is the new pass code allows for easier 'broomstick' style plays.
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Post by Shev.npu »

one good benifit out of the changes I can see. is the new pass code allows for easier 'broomstick' style plays.
theres no lock when they get boosted, how can they even passed to them?.. if u dont mean getting boosted then y boosttrick people... more like aov people.
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Post by R3L!K »

Nobody with a functioning brain can conclude that a self volley is anything less of value than a powered shot or pass shot.
I don't disagree with that at all.

But a self-volley becomes detremental to the game if it is used instead of a pass to an open player in clear sight of the goal. Which is something I still see too much of.

By DavidM reducing only the self-volley power he is promoting teamwork in both Reg and VO.

Hell, it might even make me like VO again
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Post by Shev.npu »

the good thing about self volley = gets u out of trouble at certain points, fools the keeper (keeper dodges to where they aim, if they aim high they wont get it) but as volleys were hardly possible to save for a keeper... they wallpassed
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Post by Esorcismo »

R3L!K wrote: It's called game balancing. People may or may not agree with the changes. Some have been good some bad. That's all part of the process of evolution.

Now let me just make something plainly clear.

I have no problems with using volleys and if you think they've been nerfed than thats a different issue.

Now to the garbage you've posted above. I fail to see how a post mainly consisting of flames and quotes from others can be described as a rational argument. I do hope to god you really didn't have to think too hard with comments like 'Fucked up VO mode means less variety, get your facts straight.'

Anyway, since you're obviously so intelligent maybe you can explain to me how removing the ability to shoot directly at the goal adds more to the gameplay?

Everything you can do in VO you can do in Reg, but Reg has the additional option of a direct shot. So how can VO have more moves?

Answer that please.

Ok answer I shall, you're looking at the game from a one mode only standpoint and if you actually used a little of that wonderful power called COMMON SENSE, you'd realize the point being made here. NONE OF THESE POSTS ARE BASHING REG PLAY! Get that through your heads... I didn't say VO had more moves, again... try a little more reading and a little less interpreting... VO brings variety FOR THOSE THAT WANT A FAST ACTION-PASED GAME (small maps)! Reg games and VO games are both great in their own way. VO, if anything, may have room for more creative given a smaller map with oddly shaped walls which again makes for a fun and quick-paced game as opposed to the slow soccer-style (which can also be enjoyable) regular style. I don't want reg replaced, I just want the VO that we had before as an ALTERNATIVE to bring variety for a fast mode versus a more traditional mode. Try and argue that one...

And also this brilliance of yours on this post...

"But a self-volley becomes detremental to the game if it is used instead of a pass to an open player in clear sight of the goal. Which is something I still see too much of.

By DavidM reducing only the self-volley power he is promoting teamwork in both Reg and VO.

Hell, it might even make me like VO again"

Contradicting yourself, you agree that it has no less value but yet you say it's detrimental... make up your mind. I agree when it comes to a straight up egoing (i.e. on a 2 on 0) but if a person's not open and I have a clear chance to self-volley one by I will, now that entire aspect of the game is shut down for the used-to-be fast-paced and fun VO mode...
Last edited by Esorcismo on 24-08-2004 15:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onge »

Am I right in saying the self-volley power hasn't changed in games of under 6 players? For me vo is no fun at all in a 5v5 situation, but the self-volley changes won't affect 2v2 vo games...
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Post by Inphidel »

why 6 and not 8? 4 on 4 VO is an all around decent number 2 O one D, 1 keeper... I can fully agree VO 5 on 5 is rather lame and spammy.. tho its made even more spammy by the .2 addition of the game ;)
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Post by Esorcismo »

2v2 VO is kinda boring to me, 2v2 anything is kinda boring... 3v3 VO has its fun and hasn't changd... 4v4 VO can also be fun like inph pointed out, 5v5 is just a wild and crazy goof set where it's just like that, fun to goof around some. Ever play that UT2003 custom map BloodBath or something? 12 guys in one small room in a free-for-all Deathmatch, stupid as all hell but hey it's fun. Ever see Super Troopers? Don't worry, one way or another the fun VO that used to be there will come back...
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Post by R3L!K »

Sigh. I'm gonna go point by point to own your uneducated ass.
I didn't say VO had more moves
I didn't say you did either. Metal1 implied it:
im gonna have to side with lima, reg is ok every once in awhile but it does get boring....lack of innovation + less moves to do = the death to deathball
How's is the new version of VO slower than in 2.1? It's exactly the same apart from the ego move.
VO, if anything, may have room for more creative given a smaller map with oddly shaped walls which again makes for a fun and quick-paced game as opposed to the slow soccer-style
How is VO more creative? I say again, everything in VO is there in Reg.
Contradicting yourself, you agree that it has no less value but yet you say it's detrimental... make up your mind
You moron. Learn to read.
A self volley is an individual shot
I agree with that
a self-volley becomes detremental to the game if it is used instead of a pass to an open player

Do you understand yet? Why not ask your mommy to explain it you nice and slowly.
now that entire aspect of the game is shut down
no it hasn't. only your ego moves have.

you're looking at the game from a one mode only standpoint
how is that possible if we are discussing two different gamemodes. Your statement would be described as absurd (and conceited)
Try and argue that one...
who's arguing? you just have trouble with English Grammar.
try a little more reading and a little less interpreting
try to follow your own advice
Last edited by R3L!K on 24-08-2004 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

Originally posted by Esorcismo Contradicting yourself, you agree that it has no less value but yet you say it's detrimental... make up your mind. I agree when it comes to a straight up egoing (i.e. on a 2 on 0)

To me it looked like he explained a 'straight up egoing' situation, so I don't see why you flame him :p
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Post by fro »

im enjoying laughing at the people who dont want to pass. carry on.
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Post by Esorcismo »

R3L!K, even you make President Bush seem like an intellectual as NOTHING YOU SAID DISPLAYED RELEVANCE TO OR COHESION OF THE POINTS AT HAND...

You're still looking at it as one mode embedded in another. "Everything that's in VO is in Reg"... NOT TRUE. Characteristically it is, but strategically it's not even close. Self-volleys, for example, add to the speed and rapid play of a VO game and force the keeper use his or her head in determining how to play it. Another point invalidated... Now... Creativity, use your head... look at a map like Cube and look at a map like SmallEnclosure for example (a typical VO map). Do you have odd shaped ceilings and walls close to the goal to use for performing interesting moves in reg mode? Uhhh, no... as far as your "Do you understand yet?" comment... it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. You take out "egoing" completely and nix the ability to score on a 2 on 1 and you also FORCE a pass on a 2 on 0 and give the keep a pretty damn good idea where the shot is coming from. And I did read it properly, your point just was very singularly situational and had no relation to what I was even talking about... by "fixing" 2 on 0 situations, it fucked up 2 on 1s, 3 on 2s, potentially 3 on 1s, 1 on 2s, ... should I continue? Think OUTSIDE the box... How stupid does it sound now? It's like having a 2 on 1 odd man rush in a hockey game and you force the puck carrier to pass otherwise the goal doesn't count... brilliant isn't it? Rethink your ideas and try and apply the entire situation rather than only a minute piece of the puzzle...
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Post by R3L!K »


what a dumbass.

do you even play DB?

Last edited by R3L!K on 24-08-2004 18:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Esorcismo »

R3L!K wrote: rofl.

what a dumbass.

LOL Just the answer I expected, well thought and informative... get paid at work to put up with morons, guess it's almost ironic that posting on a forum from work would involve the same. NEXT!