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Posted: 06-05-2004 22:34
by Requiem``
tomorrow i go to a friend, gonna do that o// :p :lol:

Posted: 06-05-2004 23:13
by idolminds
The "paul smith" would be me. I forgot to switch over to my account when I sent the email. And now it seems I hadnt signed up on the new forums...yeesh! I'm way behind.

Posted: 07-05-2004 00:12
by Messy
New forums? O_o

These have been here since..since, a loong time :o

Posted: 07-05-2004 02:07
by Wesisapie
I sent mine! They follow the requirements! I hope i get in the game :)

Posted: 07-05-2004 03:17
by tr1p
berk no one wants your pic kthx


Posted: 07-05-2004 04:17
by idolminds
Didnt this used to be hosted at BeyondUnreal forums?

Oh, dont mind me. I had my wisdom teeth out am probably messed up from painkillers.

Posted: 07-05-2004 07:06
by fro
yeah, we used to be on buf, we moved last march (03) iirc

Posted: 07-05-2004 10:35
by DavidM
yeah moved 14 months ago x_X

Posted: 07-05-2004 15:09
by [1234]Jr
Dont have a digicam


the whole damn system sucks!

..i suppose its for the best...

Posted: 07-05-2004 15:25
by theberkin8or
trip don h8 me just cuz i am the most beautiful db player

Posted: 07-05-2004 15:49
by Achilles
does it mather what kind of background there is?:noob:

Posted: 07-05-2004 16:57
by DavidM
no, its about a homogenous brightness in your face

Posted: 07-05-2004 16:58
by Sixty
Bah, only webcams here, Chilly, lend me your digi \o/

Posted: 07-05-2004 19:05
by Maegrim
i've got a genious brightness in my face, not a homogenous one :|

Posted: 07-05-2004 21:53
by assassin69
would it work if i had a beenie on?