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Posted: 16-04-2004 19:26
by Scotteh
Eu faggots? you suck BUTT. Do you even know where is Europe? Ohh no, sry, i forgot that you r from NA...

please don't associate butt with the rest of the na crowd...:confused:

Posted: 18-04-2004 23:15
by [1234]Jr
CorDawg wrote: make a dynamic sized cube, the mroe people who join it the bigger it gets, make the walls slide outward o/
that is simply the best idea ever....ever i tells ya! :p

Posted: 19-04-2004 13:08
by f1end dat!!!

Posted: 19-04-2004 13:21
by DavidM
stop talking about it, you know it wouldnt work technically

Posted: 19-04-2004 16:45
by f1end
we do?????

Posted: 19-04-2004 16:55
by fro
BUTT wrote: gg, I would make a small cube but i can't even open the orignal Smallcube for 2k4....
It crashes UNEd and says OUT of MEM after a fresh reboot....

load the deathball.u into ued before loading a map

Posted: 21-04-2004 03:09
by Noko
CorDawg wrote: make a dynamic sized cube, the mroe people who join it the bigger it gets, make the walls slide outward o/
ppl would get translocated by the walls when the cube gets smaller... heh, nice idea.
Anyway, You can't please everyone, and tbh, I think some people here make a fuss and disagree just for the sake of the argument.
Imo (although I'm not that bothered) SC should be a bit bigger, but not by much.

BUTT < Redigested Rabbit Shit

<3 Messy :D


Posted: 21-04-2004 04:21


Posted: 21-04-2004 05:07
by Xelent
she definitely has a cock

Posted: 21-04-2004 10:29
by [1234]Jr
Which makes her more endowed than most of the fuckshoes who've posted in this thread...

Posted: 21-04-2004 22:39
Jr. your 1.234 cm cock dont speak much you faggot

Posted: 22-04-2004 00:12
by SkaTallica
ya.... so anyways... how about that smallcube eh?? so who wants to do it? i think i'll take a horribly mis-guided stab in the dark at it.

Posted: 22-04-2004 01:32
by CorDawg
hmm the wall growing one wouldnt telefrag if it slid back and forth, be just like a door or something heh :P

Posted: 22-04-2004 04:33
by Inphidel
how about we just not have smallcube in deathball anymore so the non VO fanboys and shut up :P har har

Posted: 22-04-2004 07:56
by DavidM
closing this cause its not going anywhere. so if you wanna do something, you know what to do!