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Posted: 26-08-2005 13:23
by supamom
Society Of Lap Dancers :D

Posted: 26-08-2005 13:24
by Kisa

Posted: 26-08-2005 13:55
by TheAssimilationist
Secondary Ordinance, Lozenge Discharge

Someone Ordinary. Like Dave!

SOLar Degeneration

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:05
by Kisa
Silly Or Lazy, Dave?

Saw Orava's Lapland Dance? :)

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:09
by TheAssimilationist
:eek: Orava? is that a name or a place?

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:12
by Kisa
Try member search ;)

Or this

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:18
by TheAssimilationist
I see dot dot dot

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:21
by Kisa
Distraction Of TheAssimilationist? :D

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:21
by TheAssimilationist
so now I SOLD, right?

@ distraction comment: :blabla:

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:24
by Kisa

Posted: 26-08-2005 14:24
by TheAssimilationist
I gots to go do Tae Kwan Do now, sayonara!

And I know they're not from the same country!:mad:

and don't pout. I would've put this guy:offtopic: but he looked too angry, and I thought it was clever, just off topic.

I apologize if that makes no sense but I gots to get going so no time to rethink bye!

Posted: 26-08-2005 18:03
by Nicky
Somebody's Overly Large Di.......(well you can guess the rest :D )

Posted: 26-08-2005 18:04
by Kisa
honi soi qui mal y pense :D

Posted: 26-08-2005 18:09
by Nicky
:lol: :D

Time for some maths methinx :devil:

Mr Kitto is 5 years older than his wife.
They have twin daughters.
If you multiply the parents ages together and then divide the sum of the daughters ages you get exactly 57.
How old was Mr Kitto?

Working time for me approx 2 mins :) no calculator :D

Posted: 26-08-2005 18:12
by Kisa
Here I have my main problem in understanding descriptions of maths in different languages again ...

When you say, you have A and divide B, do you mean A/B or B/A?