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Posted: 25-06-2003 01:13
by Khushdi
hehe we made that clear in our game just now nordy :D

Posted: 25-06-2003 02:15
by drifter
ooh yes moonhead...............................................___
I agree that some lines are needed on lowcube | .¬ |

Posted: 25-06-2003 05:43
by Maegrim

hmm? :p

Posted: 25-06-2003 07:56
by Khushdi

Posted: 25-06-2003 09:03
by nameless
So far after extensive 1.7 betatesting, all i have to say is I love it...I would just like one minor thing changed, crouch. When i am keeping i need something to occupy my time, which is usually to walk around the pbox constantly tapping crouch

But other than that, I love 1.7 \o/

I used to wall-dodge around, but that s gone either o_O

BTW any news bout the "drop-ball-slowdown-bug" ?

Posted: 25-06-2003 11:03
by 1234SamY
I've seen some people use crouch to position or angle a volley (from a stationary ball). Not sure if it makes any difference to hitting a ball standing up tho.

Posted: 25-06-2003 11:29
by Onge
BTW any news bout the "drop-ball-slowdown-bug"
I think this is dependent on your ping. I was playing offline and everything was smooth. I get a ping of 140-190 on my modem and find the jerk-o-vision really annoying. It's bad enough having a ping where you have to react earlier than other players to stand a chance but then to be blighted by a lack of smoothness is incredibly frustrating. So far 1.7 is proving to be very unforgiving to the high ping player.

So why has this been done? This was not the case in any other version of DB.

Posted: 25-06-2003 19:36
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Crouch can help u with giving and (not) taking boosts :p

Posted: 25-06-2003 19:41
by The_One
i miss crouch. :sniff:

Posted: 25-06-2003 19:47
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
>: (

*zpam* gimme crouch back *zpam*

I'd rather have a wrong animation than to miss crouch :p and at least it gives u something for db 1.8 *cough*

Posted: 26-06-2003 00:03
by (fs|DaBOON)
I'm really cool with 1.7. The more I play it, the more I like it. Especially passing goes sooo smooth, that makes db even more fun to play. Which I also like is the CLANK when u hit the post or bar...kick ass :)

I think the bug has been handled well too, once u have it, ur rid of it in no time...too bad it still exsist though...

All together DB has become more of a teamsport...well done!

Posted: 26-06-2003 00:27
by theberkin8or
i know i am being lazy but what about passing has been made more smooth, the only change i remember is that you can change your lock on strenght ( i would go check but aol :()

Posted: 26-06-2003 00:28
by DavidM
passing feels smoother because of 2 reasons

the sounds are "lighter" and "smoother" (catch and shoot sound)
and the switchtime is pretty much gone

the actual passing was not changed, but it feels smoother...

Posted: 26-06-2003 00:32
by theberkin8or
damn i thought you had actaully do something to improve the games passing... that would have pwned

Posted: 26-06-2003 10:30
by 1234SamY
I've got a few crash logs from the 1.7beta we run.

Does anyone want them?