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Posted: 19-05-2006 16:59
by Shenmue
Ahhh, ok.

Was it a nice level, then?

Posted: 19-05-2006 17:01
by frkyjenn
It was evil :)

Posted: 19-05-2006 17:01
by Klaxa
frkyjenn wrote: Not any harder than any other greek level.

For me it was definitely harder than epsilon, zeta, eta and iota (<edit>and alfa, of course :) </edit>). But not as hard as gamma or delta. :)

Posted: 19-05-2006 20:33
by chulen
*cries* everyone's getting it but me....
*thinks harder, harder, and even more harder*

Posted: 19-05-2006 21:44
by Springer
Don't worry Chulen, you're not the only one.
At this moment in time it's the least of my problems though!! :lol:

Posted: 19-05-2006 22:19
by Eitcchhh
Hi all! Long time no see... :)

Just got my account to work.. didn't need it the time I got through this thing before.

Now I'm working on this new and.. hmm... improved lambda.

I think I've found something and I was hoping I could PM someone just to make sure if I'm on the right track.

Cuz if I'm not... then I'm clueless..

So... ::Pfffff::

Posted: 20-05-2006 21:48
by veryhardgame
frkyjenn wrote: Not any harder than any other greek level.

Even Alpha?

Posted: 20-05-2006 21:49
by Kisa

Posted: 20-05-2006 22:39
by frkyjenn
veryhardgame wrote: Even Alpha?


Posted: 20-05-2006 23:14
by meep98324
I thought that this was one of the hardest greeks personally, on the same level as delta. All the others were considerably easier.

Posted: 21-05-2006 03:00
by chulen
the hardest one was gamma by far... (for me) i did delta and kappa quite fast... but lambda is a KILLER! omg i know its easier than what it seems to be...

i still dont feel any closer to the answer... so many ways to try

Posted: 21-05-2006 12:08
by ulf_h
\o/ \o/ \o/
On to mu !!!

This one was NOT easy!
Especially if you're (like me) rusty from not doin' notpron for a while.

Posted: 21-05-2006 12:08
by Kamerolifant
Wohoo! Solved!

Posted: 21-05-2006 13:27
by BunnyS
grats dudes :)

Posted: 29-05-2006 18:52
by veryhardgame
I think I found a secret level! I thought I solved this one but it brought me to a different version of Eta instead!

Nvm, its just a test.