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Posted: 10-01-2005 11:51
by DavidM
Keeper would have the same volley radius then. The reason for the small one is/was that he covers the whole goal.

Posted: 10-01-2005 12:58
by `Ghost`
oh I think I understand now

-edit- not too freakin big i hope :p

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:08
by Onge
Forget the radius, just lower the latency - if you react quick enough and are close enough to the ball you deserve to save it...

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:22
by R3L!K
ok a compromise solution might be to divide the keeper area into 2

1. the keeper zone (small area right in front of the goal)

2. the penalty area (the larger area where the keeper still has powers)

Keep the current settings in the keeper zone and balance the keeper in the penallty zone.

With this setup, the keeper volley radius won't cover the whole goal when directly in front of the goal, but will be balanced when the keeper moves out to intercept

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:28
by DavidM
might be too confusing. the gameplay mechanics have to seem logic and easy understandable. also to people who dunno the actual magic thats going on behind the scenes

well the only problem I see coming is that he can volley spam anything away. so we might give him a small volley latency of 0.1 or 0.15

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:32
by R3L!K
the keeper glow colour could be altered in the two zones to highlight the differences in powers maybe?

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:35
by DavidM
Nah, things like pickup latency, volley latency, volley radius changes and stuff are no obvious things.

being able to dodge or not is obvious. but im not making weird things with the other stuff. impossible to look through for a normal person

Posted: 10-01-2005 13:45
by R3L!K
DavidM wrote: but im not making weird things with the other stuff. impossible to look through for a normal person

what do you mean?:eek:

Posted: 10-01-2005 14:47
by Holy_Surfing
It's funny i still haven't seen you (DavidM) comment on this..
the only thing i'd hate to keep in db 2.4 is the "rmb" + "lmb" volley... where someone hold the rmb down when someone passes, let it deflect in one direction, and then shortly after hit it in another direction... if we could get some delay between bounce and volley, i would be so glad :P

I'm guessing ya wanna keep whoring that, eh? :)

Fixing it would:
1) Get rid of lil whore kids that only volley that way to have higher volley speeds.
2) Get rid of lil whore kids that use the back wall for consecutive short and fast bounces before volleying to score
3) Get rid of lil whore kids that use it to volley from previously impossible angles with the normal volley radius, such as recieving the ball from behind while aiming at a target in front (the ball is bounced enough to be caught by volley radius afterwards)
4) Make lil whore kids actually learn to play deathball.

Posted: 10-01-2005 14:56
by DavidM
a proper defense never lets anyone do this. you must hate the opponent do this in a 3on3 against you all the time.

Posted: 10-01-2005 15:49
by EsorcismoNJD
I'm still going with the idea that if a keeper dodges to a ball, he should be able to "punch" it away like in soccer... not necessarily catch it but punch it away... I think that's the viable solution to this problem

Posted: 10-01-2005 15:50
by Onge
Punch = volley? We've already got that!

Posted: 10-01-2005 17:29
by canash
Holy_Surfing wrote:
3) Get rid of lil whore kids that use it to volley from previously impossible angles with the normal volley radius, such as recieving the ball from behind while aiming at a target in front (the ball is bounced enough to be caught by volley radius afterwards)

thats the one i hate most... just make a little delay of 0.2 or 0.3 secs. and this annoying thing would be gone :D

Posted: 10-01-2005 17:53
by :-)
I'm sure you thought about it already, but making tds worth 2 points will punish bad defenses and make touchdowns more than just an ego thing. Then keeps will be happy because they're easy to prevent, and midfielders will be happy to have more reason to feed their precious egos. Not to mention it being the end of the game and losing by 2. Its worth trying, just to see what happens.

Also, I don't like right click sets. It's okay when the setter is in front, but it makes me very unhappy when somebody sets somebody beside them or infront of them with right click. It's in large part because of the volley when it's behind you thing, which is a little to consistent to just be lag.

Posted: 10-01-2005 18:57
by Morning*Star
ah i see what nameless meant by vollies from behind, yeah thats annoying, can't see why davidm wants to keep it but oh well