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Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 14-05-2010 18:03
by KenobiwanX
Awesome! I'm glad I didn't ask for any help on this one... I was kind of on the right track for a while, but I just didn't take the next logical step... so I just stared at this level off and on for a few days... and then I'm like "duhhhhh" lol :P

I was almost kinda bummed when I paid my riddle tax just to be stuck on this level... but... on to -35... ^__^

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 06-08-2010 19:50
by Dr Strangelove
To all of you out there stuck on this level, don't give up.I finally did it today, and my last level progress (from -33 to -34) was in august of 2008. Two years of coming back once in a while to have another go at it. Convinced one day it would be solved. And that day is today. It's an amazing feeling. Finally a new notpron level to have a go at. Now hopefully I can speed up my level progress a bit, I don't know if I can handle another two years of being stuck.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 07-08-2010 14:58
by Lucka
that's on badass level...i got smth, but don't know ,what to do with it :D

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 30-11-2011 17:32
by FacelessSchmuck
07-08-2010, huh? I guess I'm a little late to the party. I really have no idea what's going on in this one. There's like no information. Is [censored].jpg really 'of no use' or is there something else in there that I'm missing?

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 30-11-2011 17:40
by frkyjenn
FacelessSchmuck wrote:07-08-2010, huh? I guess I'm a little late to the party. I really have no idea what's going on in this one. There's like no information. Is [censored].jpg really 'of no use' or is there something else in there that I'm missing?
It really is "of no use".

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 30-11-2011 17:48
by FacelessSchmuck
Then I really have no idea what I'm doing here. I've tried every kind of button I can imagine.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 30-11-2011 18:02
by frkyjenn
no guessing needed.. you just need to find what's missing. Go look for it. :)

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 01-12-2011 23:09
by FacelessSchmuck
...missing from where?

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 01-12-2011 23:12
by frkyjenn
Telling you that would be a spoiler.

Use skills learned in lower levels to find out where. :)

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 22-10-2013 13:59
by shanks
I seemed to be going in the right direction, but then hit a brick wall. Don't know what to do with what I have. Can I pm someone with what I have? I wonder how many people are still playing these days...

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 22-10-2013 16:27
by frkyjenn
You can PM me.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 29-01-2014 20:13
by Alemarius Nexus
Well, I've been stuck in this level for quite some time now, and haven't found much that doesn't tell me that it's useless (I still don't believe I can trust this image...). I notice one or two things, but nothing that pushes me forward. Maybe I can PM someone and get just a small hint as to where I could search for anything at all?

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 30-01-2014 12:56
by Vereos
Maybe I can PM someone and get just a small hint as to where I could search for anything at all?
You are in the no-hints land, dude :P

But feel free to PM me with your thoughts, I'll tell you whether you are on the right way or not.

Yeah, this level is a bitch.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 13-03-2015 22:18
by amh
This level certainly is a bitch :?

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 24-03-2015 04:16
by 636995
I'm not sure I'll get a reply. I'm not even sure this will ever be seen. But the fact that amhamh posted here 10 days ago gives me hope haha.

I just recently created an account here, in order to finish one of the other minus levels :wink: Right now though, I'm on the taxinfo.htm page.

I was wondering if David still gave out accounts for this, before I actually made a donation. Does he still keep up with notpron? I'm wondering because most of these posts are from 5 years back, and it didn't seem like many people were even using the forums anymore. But regardless, this riddlefest has been a great time-killer for the past few months and I really appreciate all the effort put into making such an elaborate puzzle, so thank you notpron creators :) you guys made something beautiful.

Again, I don't know if anyone will see this, but any replies would be appreciated.