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Posted: 31-08-2006 18:02
by meep98324
verily I do not!

Posted: 31-08-2006 18:04
by Shenmue
Oh, my mistake. :D

Posted: 31-08-2006 18:19
by meep98324

edit: we need an old english emoticon. maybe with a top hat and blatant misspellings?

Posted: 10-09-2006 08:15
by aryel
if 1 is hard go play tetris

I had the hardest time with 26-30.

Posted: 24-11-2006 00:52
by Zorkmid
Yup !

Posted: 26-11-2006 04:27
by norm420
after finally beating the positives i figured i had earned the right to post . especially after being stuck on 79 for more than 8 months!

so obviously my picks for toughest level include 79, also 26-30,52 (damn pins) and most level from 70 on. 79 definitely takes the prize so far tough.

oh yeah i forgot: most if not all music levels! damn i hate those:confused:

as for the negatives so far : -6 and -12!

Posted: 27-12-2006 20:13
by devinring
72 was tough. However, i had the cube put together wrong (it was pretty much flat) but i still got the right answer. After that, i tried to get my cube to look like the ones on the gallery, not so easy :)

Stuck on 76 right now idea...:hmmmz:

Posted: 27-12-2006 21:41
by jooly
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" (Hamlet, Billy Shakespeare) :p

Posted: 05-02-2007 20:31
by IgnacioTheDestroyer
ok, hardest levels

level 44 (stuck there for a while)
level 52
level 53
level 72 (stuck here now)

Posted: 17-06-2007 01:39
by Badalight
I'm still in the 50's but so far 49 was the toughest.

It was pretty simple though since me and my friend have been working on it together.

She pretty much figured it out by herself.

I'm currently stuck at 54.

Posted: 10-10-2007 15:05
by lenico
52 ...... !!!! no question :lol:

Posted: 29-03-2008 17:48
by Hanes
sorry to say, but 49 was one of the easiest, but maybe that's the europian blood:P
Those I found hardest were: 8, 30, 47, 80(just terrible, haven't even found it all) and last -5(found it by accident)

Posted: 22-07-2008 04:35
by niks
Maybe 52 and 72 in positives. There has been many hard levels on negatives. Right now I have been on level -28 for over half a year. <removed>... Hardest so far.

Posted: 01-08-2008 05:42
by faorlich
Just curiosity: how do you rate difficulty:

A) Not knowing what to look for (deciphering the clues)
B) Time consumption once you know where to look
C) No clue at all
D) Guess work

And how long do you have to be stuck at a level to consider it hard?

Posted: 01-08-2008 05:46
by frkyjenn
Never thought about it.. I guess it's just personally what level you found the hardest to solve.
