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Posted: 07-01-2005 15:13
by canash
the only thing i hate as keep is the "rmb" + "lmb" volley... where someone hold the rmb down when someone passes, let it deflect in one direction, and then shortly after hit it in another direction... if we could get some delay there, i would be so glade :P

Posted: 07-01-2005 15:21
by Messy
It will be changed when people holding that button will banana the ball.

..then again, every goal will become a crazy banana ball :( oh noes.

The spam :x

Re: 2.4 plan

Posted: 07-01-2005 20:25
by Holy_Surfing
DavidM wrote: ...
Well whenever it's done it will be a little revolution to the game, a whole new feeling to that game. We'll also allow new stuff like a volley-banana. It feels really really different and a lot cooler :)

May god help us :)

canash wrote:
the only thing i hate as keep is the "rmb" + "lmb" volley... where someone hold the rmb down when someone passes, let it deflect in one direction, and then shortly after hit it in another direction... if we could get some delay there, i would be so glade :P

amen brother!

Posted: 07-01-2005 22:07
by EsorcismoNJD
Those wanting to test the effects of playing with different radius values and whatnot can do so with the creation of an add-on... you don't need DavidM to test this stuff out

Posted: 08-01-2005 02:02
by [1234]Jr
but DavidM wouldnt just take our word for it, brickwall syndrome.

Posted: 08-01-2005 05:45
by Da Spadger
Hi, i've just registrered here on these forums after seing this thread. I'd like to ask you to turn down some of the effects of the ball.

As you can see on the first picture, i get sky-high FPS.

But when i get really close to the ball, my computer acts like it devolved into a C64.

If you dont mind, will'ya make the "mist" on the ball less CPU intensive? :)

Posted: 08-01-2005 07:33
by EsorcismoNJD
Stupid question, but did you try lowering the detail settings to something low... if so, then get a new PC

Posted: 08-01-2005 07:37
by Da Spadger
EsorcismoNJD wrote: Stupid question, but did you try lowering the detail settings to something low... if so, then get a new PC

Well, lowering the details didn't cross my mind. It's only when the ball is exactly in my face when it slows down.

Posted: 08-01-2005 10:29
by DavidM
Tell epic. Not our thing there. When you get close to an emitter, it's always dead slow.
But we have an option to dissable the smoke anyway.

Posted: 08-01-2005 10:33
by Da Spadger
DavidM wrote: Tell epic. Not our thing there. When you get close to an emitter, it's always dead slow.
But we have an option to dissable the smoke anyway.

Gah. How stupid of me. Should've turned that off. Thank you. :)

Posted: 08-01-2005 18:38
by :-)
Ever consider making touchdowns worth 2 or 3 points? I'm pretty sure that'll change the game in favor of the keeps, while giving the offense some new options. It's a fix that could potentially add to the game.

Posted: 08-01-2005 18:45
by DavidM
that would be horrible. it was the first decision to make in deathball, over 2 years make all goals be the same worth. i dont wanna risk too much to gain 2 points, but then I get nothing

anyway, a goal is a goal

Posted: 08-01-2005 18:56
by canash
not in NFL ;) there are like 5 goals or something...

Posted: 08-01-2005 19:12
by Catalyst88
Touchdown and field goals, like in rugby. And conversions after scoring :). But what makes DB and the games it's based on so fun is that they're low scoring (relatively), so it's always possible to cause upsets against perceivedly better teams.

Posted: 10-01-2005 09:43
by nameless
DavidM wrote:
name's list:
- ball behind you and you volley it? nope!
-ball can be little above or below you, same for the keeper and the defenders, otherwise it would often be totally frustrating, because you would miss all.
-yes, then dodge or something, or tell your def not to let him be alone in front of you
-if he's really between, the def will block it....tbh
-defender has a crap timing

-reducing offense volley radius? nope, you'd catch or miss so many, it would be a too close thing

Only probs I realistically see are Keeper latencys need to go (when bigger goals are there), and 1on1 with keeper (same).

The things i pointed out were seen on several replays during the match. And i m not the only one who saw them. Might just be lag - awesome lag.

So you want to take on the keeper probs by making the goals larger, therefor removing the keeper delays. Might be interesting.


How will this reduce the volley spam? It will just turn out with more volley spam, as it gets even easier to hit the goal.

How will this fix the keepers disadvantage in their own pbox regarding the lower radius vs attack?

Oh and your point about "-reducing offense volley radius? nope, you'd catch or miss so many, it would be a too close thing", that s NOTHING ELSE but the problem keepers are strugling with! "BAH ball went straight through me!"

As several asked before, plz give us the opportunity to check out different settings there.