2.4 plan

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by moonhead »

bring back best keeper award :-0 that would get more keepers playing
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Post by R3L!K »

ah you know I'd love to see those stats... (edit: was referring to the NA keeper stats as well btw :P)

i'm a complete whore when it comes to analysing figures!

bact to topic, kinda:

DavidM: Yeah, I'm guessing you wanna rework all the scaling all over again maybe.. or at least something thats gonna require a complete rework in the code - it's all greek to me... *sheds tear*

And I realise nobody really has the patience for that ;) ....yet?

However, if you're sure these ideas won't work, then i hope you come up with something that does :p

EsorcismoNJD: I'm pretty sure DavidM has the same vision as yourself, but he seems adamant that the only solution is a long one.

If there was some way we could adjust the settings in discussion ourselves (eg keeper volley radii, magnet, etc etc) and from within the game maybe?, and perhaps give you suggestions based on our own findings, maybe something can be worked out on a short term basis.

Otherwise we're at an impasse
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Post by Weisso »


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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

Yeah but nobody that has faced more than 25 shots has a save percentage above 73% and from most of the demos I've seen, most of those are either recovering loose balls or saving shots from the outside... we're really talking about breakaways and odd man rushes

Mutators are always a good short-term solution, but it has to be accepted by all... and that will not happen I don't think
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Post by R3L!K »

well finding the right balance isnt easy sometimes, I hoped that a mutator like this might allow people time to experiment on their own servers.

I can see it tying in well with #dbpickup etc

If the admin can load from a varety of settings 'presets', the players themselves can decide which they prefer by playing pugs

it seems that people have suggested various tweaks but unless they can see for themselves - they may not accept counter arguments.

The question is could any meaningful decisions be made with a settings tweak option?
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

I'm not sure how to create settings allowed mutators... but if people give me a group of profiles to make mutators for I'd he happy to do so
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Post by nameless »

erm... 1onkeep is always a bad time for the keep, look at other sportsgames like soccer. Personally, i got no problem with that. If the def is missing, the keeper can just try to save it, but hasn t much of a chance. That s 100% defense fault.

But in deathball, these 1on1s are easier to save than a standard 0815 volley. A 16m volley, just outside the zone, is about unkeepable.

Davidm said, low range volley should be unkeepable. So if the attacker gets into the zone jumping for a volley, i ll try to prevent the volley. But there i got the disadvantage of the volley radius.

Did noone ever see those lovely volley goals?

-ball is BEHIND the attacker, but he can volley it into the goal.
-ball is above or under the attacker, but he can volley it.
-keeper stands right infront of the attacker, but thx to the radius, the attacker hits the ball beside.
-there s a defender between the attacker and the ball, but he still can volley it.
-defender boosts offense away, but he still can voleley it

A bigger keeperradius wouldn t change anything on this issue. But reducing the offensive volley radius would result in less volley spam and gives the keeper the advantage, which they should have in their own pbox.

If the attacker gets a nice pass and an open volley, it would still be a goal. The volley got the same power as before. It s just harder to hit the ball at the right time. Not just guessing "the ball must be close enough, lmb!"

This would be an obvious solution for the volley spam problem imho. Now tell me what would it break with? I don t see the mess what this would cause, so plz help me out.
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Post by R3L!K »

tbh i still agree with nameless

this is exactly the problem that needs to be addressed
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Post by Morning*Star »

agreed that 1on1s are easier to save than most other shots coming at you, and that should be the complete opposite, it really isnt suprising now if someone doesnt score a 1on1.

and i cant say i've ever seen anyone volley a ball from behind
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Post by `Ghost` »

Morning*Star wrote: agreed that 1on1s are easier to save than most other shots coming at you, and that should be the complete opposite, it really isnt suprising now if someone doesnt score a 1on1.

and i cant say i've ever seen anyone volley a ball from behind

ask Strafe to show you \o/
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Why doesnt DavidM just do a public test with changed radii and see what people think?

...maybe... if he gets some decent (mature) people to test, he can get some decent feedback for the up/down of radii... and change it every few games till it's tweaked

.. whatever :D
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Post by DavidM »

what morning said.
what makes 1on1's for keepers so easy (not easy, but keepers got so good at it) is the long powerup time. Nothing will change about that value. But the plan is that the large goals will fix this as well. I mean keepers just jump backwards and save it, who isn't frustrated by that crap? With twice as width and 1.5 x as high goals, this should be gone.

name's list:
- ball behind you and you volley it? nope!
-ball can be little above or below you, same for the keeper and the defenders, otherwise it would often be totally frustrating, because you would miss all.
-yes, then dodge or something, or tell your def not to let him be alone in front of you
-if he's really between, the def will block it....tbh
-defender has a crap timing

-reducing offense volley radius? nope, you'd catch or miss so many, it would be a too close thing

What's so bad about goals? Keepers hate goals, I know! But when the enemy scored on us, I can always spot the defense fault. And that's that point!
It's not like there was no way to prevent the goal (hello broomstick).

Only probs I realistically see are Keeper latencys need to go (when bigger goals are there), and 1on1 with keeper (same).
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Post by DavidM »

Oh and wait for 2.4, everything will feel majorly different with the new ball. Nobody knows what will happen. I only figured out a leet trick with banana on floor (the spin makes it jump in a different direction then, kinda like handball players abuse it from time to time. A zig zag jumper).
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Nice, now everyones gunna be so so paranoid we're back to "leet trick" city...

*hopes for a 2.4 alpha to test this "new" system* :p
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Post by R3L!K »

-reducing offense volley radius? nope, you'd catch or miss so many, it would be a too close thing

-too close to even consider further testing?