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Posted: 02-04-2005 04:40
by theCrusifix
ahhhh, ok

Posted: 02-04-2005 08:16
by DavidM
just check the topic in #minusnotpron on IRC to see if there is something new......
im not bullshitting you guys (anymore) :P

Posted: 02-04-2005 08:18
by frkyjenn
ok, how does one use IRC?

Yes, I'm an idiot. So explain it in simple terms.

Posted: 02-04-2005 08:25
by DavidM
download mIRC
join the server quakenet
then enter "/join #notpron"
and "/join #minusnotpron"

Posted: 02-04-2005 08:27
by frkyjenn
Ah.. ok. I'm off to find mIRC


Posted: 02-04-2005 08:36
by frkyjenn
I'm there.. I think.

Posted: 02-04-2005 09:03
by Springer
OooooooooH! That DavidM. I feel more of a fool now.
I didn't know how to use IRC either but I've just been there.
Sure I was on the right channel but I don't see much of a topic there.
Did you see anything frkyjenn? I'm lost!!

Posted: 02-04-2005 09:29
by DavidM
the topic says "go get -26"

Posted: 02-04-2005 09:43
by Springer
:lol: I'm trying to get it, I'm TRYING!! :lol:
I haven't got it yet though!! :eek:
I saw the topic so at least I was in the right place.

Posted: 02-04-2005 11:39
by angelsk
Ok, I got to temp end, I am in the right place aren't I? Was confused when saw picture because it's not April 1st anymore. But I did get an answer... that wasn't very hard!

PS: Been gone last few days, motherboard problems.

Posted: 02-04-2005 11:49
by Springer
I thought I was the only one playing here, angelsk!
What you got there? I am totally confused now! I have the same temp end I had before but I've a feeling there's a different -26 to find from what DavidM said!! May I pm you? I'm off out with the dog now but I'll be back later. :)

Posted: 02-04-2005 12:00
by angelsk
There can't be another -26 can there, coz I got that url by solving -25. Maybe there's another -27? Or maybe this one is just topical!

We need davidM to answer....

Posted: 02-04-2005 12:04
by Springer
Oh, I was just editing to say I was popping out.
I know, we had all the April fool bit on Friday night and Saturday morning while you were having your motherboard problems.
I just redid -25 again too and it still brings me to the same -26 and then the temp end.
BUT the topic on the IRC says "go get -26"!
:lol: I'm totally lost! I'll be back shortly.

Posted: 02-04-2005 12:46
by DavidM
meaning -26 is the end. now its "go get -27"

Posted: 02-04-2005 13:29
by hi_billy
=,=........we need to redo -26 now.?.........

this level need to buy your book in order to proceed?..XD