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Posted: 22-07-2009 11:13
by Nicky
\o/ Yey :)

Now to find my notes lol.

Posted: 30-07-2009 12:34
by Nicky
Nothing yet lol...

If I can't do it I could always try to use the same method to try and see the spoiler that Jenn posted earlier in the thread :P

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 30-07-2009 21:37
by Kawkowa
Before I came to this level, I always wondered it would be something really special and interesting. But now that I've gotten here, all that I can say is that I'm disappointed, because... It doesn't make sense. Some random numbers that doesn't seen to have anything to do with the solution.

And... this level is crazy! Everynight I will dream something and go e-mail David wishing it's the solution. :lol: Oh man, better research about these remote viewing techniques.

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 14:33
by gamemastertips
Niiiice one David...
I'm a believer in remote viewing so I'll give it a shot. :D I had a feeling you'd do something like this...

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 14:53
by gamemastertips
WHOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!! That level was AWESOME!!
I'll leave this as a note to all you skeptics: David isn't kidding. There's no other way to do it, I swear...I can't even believe I managed to do it :shock:
So then....what's this? One more level? :roll: Hmmmz...

EDIT: Wait, wasn't there a thread for "Nu (real?)" Have I officially beat Notpron or is there another level?

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 15:11
by DavidM
You're done!

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 15:15
by frkyjenn
It took him 20 minutes to solve this?

Awesome job!

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 15:28
by DavidM
I got a mail that said:
"Well, the first thing that came to my mind was [...]", and that's it. :)

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 15:33
by frkyjenn
DavidM wrote:I got a mail that said:
"Well, the first thing that came to my mind was [...]", and that's it. :)
He did say he was a believer. It's amazing what the mind can do when you truly believe. :)

Why aren't smilies working?

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 15:34
by gamemastertips
Thanks frkyjenn :D You helped me a ton on the earlier levels.

And this is the end? Seriously? :( Aww man...

Well, then, thanks to everyone for a great year of riddling. I have tried other riddles before, but NONE is as good as this.
And, David, you're an awesome guy. It's great to see another person who believes in all that "wacko" stuff like 9/11 conspiracy theorys and remote viewing. :D

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 16:09
by DavidM
To comment on this: doesn't the vast majority of people believe in a very badly made up conspiracy hypothesis about a dude called Bin Laden attacking the USA....?
It's crazy what people believe.

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 16:20
by DavidM
I added prettier smilies.
:) :D :P :/ ._. :B

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 16:23
by frkyjenn
DavidM wrote:I added prettier smilies.
:) :D :P :/ ._. :B

Another question, why aren't the signatures working? I have all settings correct. Are they turned off on the board overall or am I just signature stupid and can't make them work?

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 20:59
by wolvesofwar
Congratulations gamemastertips,

@David: I guess the first page of this topic needs an update.

Getting closer!

Re: Level Nu

Posted: 31-07-2009 21:02
by kpatterson
congrats gamemastertips... very impressive yet disappointing on my end lol