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Posted: 18-06-2003 00:04
by Astroboy
after reading a little bit up at Astroboy's post
I'm not sure you did read them anymore.
Anywho, I totally agree that shooting should be important but I disagree that making defenseman weaker will solve problems, for reasons I already stated.
I apologize if I seem like I'm being rude.
Posted: 22-06-2003 21:59
by InSaNe
DB is dying no matter what anyone says, if David just eliminates p-box camping and boost goals, I think most people will enjoy this game alot more, you say by changing this there will be 10 more problems? False, what bad can possibly come out of taking out p-box camping or no boost goals? There is none, so either give in to our demands or just forget about db because it won't last upto 1.7
Posted: 22-06-2003 22:04
by InSaNe
And I'm sure most people miss dribbling as well....
Why did they take that out...
Posted: 22-06-2003 22:17
by Surge
because DM sucked at it... i was speccing on a ero pub when he was trying to do it...
no, i'm not kidding either.
Posted: 27-06-2003 21:31
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I dont think he would let the dribbling be taken out for just him sucking at it himself/sucking at preventing it (in-game) =/
I kind of agree with him as to it was too simple yet too abusive.
And besides that, u can do perfectly well with passing and even tho im a trickwhore myself and would love a trickwhoring game, the dribbling didnt fit in deathball, since db is a teamplay game, concentrated on passing and boosting.
IMO another semi-similar game should be a proper alternative, with more trickwhorage, that would be good but for now: deathball is perfect as a teamgame, and it would make no sense to throw it all over to an ego game.