Page 12 of 14

Posted: 01-05-2005 19:29
by Lizardman
Solved a few days ago... :D
My english is bad, my German is worse... but Babelfish and have helped me A LOT!!
After solving +notpron and being at -35 at -notpron, this hasn't been so hard, but very very funny! Thanks, DavidM!
Time to update my signature! :lol:

Posted: 19-05-2005 15:08
by jooly
This isn't mine, but it's very odd. Not so much a riddle as a puzzle though. Bit pythonesque! ... intro.html

Posted: 19-05-2005 16:24
by Wayfarer
Blimey Jooly - that's madder than a bag of badgers!

What crazy world is this? People skiing through chinese tea plantations? Chinawhite didn't work as the URL but I think the guy's on it!


Posted: 19-05-2005 18:06
by Fapko
Hmm, any hint on 15? I found out that the file extension is .gif, so i think it is somehow animated. Does anyone know how i can get a program for slowing down animations? Google didnt help me. :noob:

Posted: 19-05-2005 18:37
by Kisa
There is Animation Shop by Jasc, it's delivered with Paint Shop Pro until PSP version 7 ... I don't know if it is still ...

Re: 15

Posted: 20-05-2005 00:53
by Enia
Fapko wrote: Hmm, any hint on 15? I found out that the file extension is .gif, so i think it is somehow animated. Does anyone know how i can get a program for slowing down animations? Google didnt help me. :noob:

Adobe ImageReady

Posted: 20-05-2005 09:51
by Wayfarer

I can't check it on this PC as the URL is in the cache on another PC I use and I can't be bothered working through to 15 again but what I did if I remember right was to save the gif to my desktop and rename it to a jpg. The word appears then. Takes more patience than I've got waiting for it to pop up!

Posted: 22-05-2005 17:01
by Maniak
Grr... Stuck on 16. I managed to make it all this way without help, but I can't for the life of me find anything in the text file. :(

Posted: 29-05-2005 14:06
by Ayane
14 just doesn't work... I know the solution is the same as in NotPron (level 8), but somehow I can't download the mp3 files.

Posted: 29-05-2005 14:10
by Kisa
Want to PM me what you tried?

Posted: 03-06-2005 13:32
by Nellas
I am stuck on 23, help!
I found something in the source and decoded it, but i don't understand where I can use it.

Posted: 04-06-2005 13:29
by ttidus
ahhh......stuck on 7......
i open the source but get nothin...

Posted: 04-06-2005 13:33
by Kisa
Refreshed the page? Maybe that helps

Posted: 07-06-2005 03:41
by 42istheanswer
I'm just a teensy bit stuck. I used my limited knowledge of German (and a lot of babelfish!) to get to level 25. I decoded the message, and it led me to the j*******.w** file.

But no matter what I do with this file, I can't get any sort of keyword out of it. I read earlier in this thread that the solution is similar to Notpron level 81, but that doesn't help me, because I'm only on level 46!

Can I get a hint, please? It's so frustrating to be one step away from finishing! (Even though I discovered this Rätsel about a week too late to be entered into the drawing. :mad: Oh well.)

Posted: 07-06-2005 08:04
by Kisa
You can PM me what you tried so far