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Post by Messy »

lol :)

Go back to default settings and try again-ish \o/

Or ask an expert ^_^
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Post by Cenotaph »

doesnt need an expert to put the computers working tbh , unless he fucked them up real good :P
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Post by fb.shev »

if u cant tell me how to do this:

get the ethernet to work on my old pc, if not install my usb on my old pc (it says cant cuz of all the LAC shit and nothing seems to work)

get all my ip and gateways settings back to normal

get usb to work on my new pc

sort out my router to work and it to be configured

stop this LAC LAN popups appearing everywhere whatever i do on the net (im using ethernet as usb cant install)

put my case on my old old pc which we needed to take off becuz we needed the ethernet card to go into my old pc as it didnt have one, that my not of worked anyway, and now the heatsink and the case cant go back off cuz we dunno how to put the case on and we lost the screws

for nortan 2005 to work with the ethernet and internet without having to be disabled

for /song on mirc to work winamp2mirc without shit loads of interfaces connecting up
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Post by Capital_G »

Originally posted by fb.shev
get the ethernet to work on my old pc, if not install my usb on my old pc (it says cant cuz of all the LAC shit and nothing seems to work)
Plug it in, install drivers....what can go wrong there?
get all my ip and gateways settings back to normal
normal? Normal is blank, you can easily set your ip adresses and gateways
get usb to work on my new pc
USB is plug and play...
Everything is plug and play.
sort out my router to work and it to be configured
I'd suggest grabbing your manual :P
stop this LAC LAN popups appearing everywhere whatever i do on the net (im using ethernet as usb cant install)
I'm clueless, try google.
put my case on my old old pc which we needed to take off becuz we needed the ethernet card to go into my old pc as it didnt have one, that my not of worked anyway, and now the heatsink and the case cant go back off cuz we dunno how to put the case on and we lost the screws
As for losing
And....the case back on? How do you keep your PC together without a case?
for nortan 2005 to work with the ethernet and internet without having to be disabled
Nortan is a virusscanner right? Why is that blocking the ports?
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Post by Messy »

He means the case is open :x

As for losing the screws...idiot.

Buy new ones :o you know where to find them.

As for all the software problems.
ffs if your computer is so borked you can't even get plug and play devices to work, fucking format the bitch.

ps: Norton Firewall and Norton Internet Security are firewalls, Norton Antivirus is for virii :x

Unless he really meant 'Nortan' in which case I don't have a clue o_o
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Post by Capital_G »

ah, idd it is, something in my head was screaming nortan was a crappy virusscanner.....meh, must be me then.

Norton is still a crappy virusscanner.
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Post by Messy »

Isn't there a virusscanner called Nortom? lol

Something like that..with a panda as an icon o_O (or is that another one?)

I use Norton /o\ yet people keep saying it sux.

What then should I use? :o
Is McAfee good? :o (and is spelling correct? McAffee? :x)
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Post by devnull »

pc-cillin from trend has never failed me
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Post by Capital_G »

Ah, now I know, Norman! XD
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Post by R3L!K »

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Post by fb.shev »

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Post by speedy »

snoop dogg?

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Post by DavidM »

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Post by fb.shev »

wow icons \o

i use shortcut for the games :o

my desktop was from a book with a digicam lol.. the blur effect <3
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Post by R3L!K »

media player classic > windvd & divx player

worth a look if you've never tried it