teh new 1337 boost-trick u just GOTTA use.

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Post by Harold|ZBN »

/me SCHLAPS davidm around a bit with
Harold|ZBN wrote:
oh and davidm what about what i said earlier: not being able to jump when ure falling?
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Post by DavidM »

/me slaps you around with 1.3b
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Post by Fruitcake »

if u change this volley crap it reduces more possiblities of scoring....right now the majority either shoots normally/with curve / wall vollies or performs a cata .....its just getting repetitive and this doesnt split up the really good players from the 'less able' players...pls implement more skills that are harder to perform but twice as effective........:rolleyes: db will die if it carries on like this ..havnt u noticed just looking at the number of na and euro leagues?
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Post by InSaNe »

NaB wrote: fuck off self cock sucking v3 idiot

GJ :rolleyes:

But anyways back to the subject, it's not lame actually, have you tried one? It takes a good booster, a good passer, and a hell of a vollier to pull the trick off, Xelent says make it toughre but he's good at volleying to don't take what he said :p

Sure take it our, just take everything out then the only thing that will be left is wall volleying and shooting sure1 DB will be much more fun to play and much more noobies will come to play! :rolleyes:

Bleh, I'm fine with taking it our, it's not like it's as easy as shootin on an open net.... But take it out if most people find it's too easy to do, but I think it shouldn't be whored or taken out... Do as you please and make this thread die...

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Post by Surge »

*still wonders what free-jump does for this game*

And btw, when you go high in the air and your hammer becomes shitty, it looks like a bug.

When your using a model that has flip animations for double+ jumps and you jump again mid way through your flip, it looks like a bug.

When dodging while in jump and losing 2 jumps without even moving, it looks like a bug.

Doing a dodge when next to a wall and not moving looks like a bug.

When a ball deflects off of you farther than it goes with initial power, it looks like a bug.

When you get boosted up infront of the big symbols on cube and you character turns blue/red it looks like a bug.
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Post by Bodom »

Why change this move...it's damn hard to do/aim, and it's easy to defend against. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it should be taken out.

On the same note, I can't set up another play for a volley by shooting a nana shot to them, so I'd like the game changed because that move is whored by euros. Maybe you can make it so if you hit the ball w/ your hammer while its curving, you blow up and your HD gets formatted.
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Post by Surge »

Bodom, i agree... it is hard to aim. thats why i catch the ball and dump it in with a pass-shot. it has at least a 90% success rate. Only times i ever miss is if a) i hit the cross bar cause i fire too early or b) get killed before i fire the ball by a defender that gets boosted up the challenge me.
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Post by Bazzi »

The first boosttrick was kinda lame because you could be boosted rite into the goal, no chance to defend.

This boosttrick is to defend, often its the defenders who make it possible even.

Can be left in I think, but ppl shouldnt abuse it as much as sequa/rico ;)
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Post by theberkin8or »

i just like the volley changes cuz more shooting=good :-D

plus any move that is geting whored sucks. balance is the name of the game, without balance the game will be no fun... unfortally balance is the hardest thing to make, anyone can make a new model but it takes a lot of thought and testing to get balance, ultimatly i think davidm needs to decide which method of scoring should be the "main" method and make sure all things are balanced to make that so then work on improving other methods of scoring while still keeping the balance of the main scoring method ( i really hope that method is shooting becuase both defense and O is more fun with shooting than defending or O any other type of scoring).

The odd spectacular goal is great, i think their should be the possiblity of them but the momemt they start getting whored/being more effective than more "normal" ways of scoring the spectacular goals lose all that was going for them and become repeative and no fun... i think this is the situation we have here... i don't think the move has been fully whored yet but it is only a matter of time. I mean even my clan which isn't considered a top NA clan is praticing this move... so it is just a matter of time
Last edited by theberkin8or on 06-08-2003 18:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stulovesyou »


Instead of reducing offensive skills to counter a new tactic.
How about increase defensive skills to even things out?

If you are boosted by an enemy player - then try to jump (ie hover) - you spin randomly until you land on the ground again.
This way the player knocked into the air is effectively rendered useless until they land. They cannot time a passvolley on target.

As means of an explanation - your jump boots malfunction temporarily if knocked by an enemy. Hence when you try to jump after being hit by an enemy (hover) - you spin out of control.

If a team-mate boosts you then you are perfectly under control.
You are rewarded for a team-skill - Boosting.

You are punished for being hit by the defender. You can gain no advantage from it by trying to hover.

Team-assisted boost-->passvolley requires three players to execute and needs a whole lot of team-work... Team skills should always be rewarded.

A single defender 'should not' be able to defend against a successfully pulled off move by three opponents.
The defence must also be team orientated. Ie cover all opposition.

Under the above 'fix', you have not reduced the offensive skills available at all such as the suggestion to reduce volley power with height. You have not reduced the power of players.
HOWEVER.. you have placed more emphasis on TEAMWORK.

A player gets no advantage from enemy actions (boosts).
Team boosts still offer the same rewards.
Team defence is more necessary to cover opposition teamwork.

All good things.


Last edited by Stulovesyou on 08-08-2003 12:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stulovesyou »

On another note.

A three player boost-->passvolley carries plenty of risk in it.
The most obvious - is overcommitment.

Three attackers vs two defenders + keeper.

One attacker passes - one boosts - one recieves pass in air and volleys on goal.
If volley is unsuccessful, the keeper will take the ball and pump long.. where his side will have 2v 1+keeper.

How many times would you pull off this three player boostpassvolley out of ten? 3...?

How many times would you score on a 2 v 1+keeper?
If your offence is any good... more than 3 I'd think.

note: The attackers cannot be boosted back quickly, as they will be no doubt mega-out of position as a result of the attempted boost.

Clearly the move comes with a whole lot of risk. Being out of position will leave your side very vulnerable.

Simple two player defence against 3 player boostvolley goal:
One defender charges passer, to force the give-off.
Other defender can cover two players trying to boost as they are right together.

IF you cannot hover from an enemy boost (causes you to spin randomly as above), then the second defender will simply knock the two apart. = no boost = no threat.
Until they covert to normal attack.

Problem solved.

Think about it.
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Post by Surge »

theres no such thing as a skilled defender anymore.

Theres smart defense, bad defense, and no defense.

no defense is obvious, bad defense is obvious.

smart defense is people that use shake, pbox camping, boost you around all over so you can never catch a pass, and their extremely large and somewhat powerful, hammer.

Defense has becoem easier and easier to play every version while attacking gets harder and harder. Whichever team has the "smartest"/cheapest defenders {and a reasonable offense...) always wins.

Make it so hammering the ball doesnt count as an interception and see how low the numbers go.
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Post by theberkin8or »

you want ppl to throw up? cuz if i start spining randomly every time i get boosted by the other team that is what is going to happen... though i think not being able to volley while in the air after being hit might be an interesting thing to try... btw O is not too powerful so that isn't what needs fixing
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Post by Stulovesyou »

You only spin if you try to jump after being hit by the other team.

This stops you trying to hover from an opponents hit.

You don't jump - you don't spin.

You try to hover from an enemy hit - you spin and become useless.... no cheap hover volleys.
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Post by FireCell »

mmmm eng manage to stop this hover trick quite well. Its actuall defendable and i dont see why it should be removed. It just takes defence for the whole field instead of teams that only defend when u get to the pbox ;)