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Posted: 17-06-2003 21:30
by Astroboy
that's my point. people fail to see that the keeper is a defender.

If you are the only one on offense, and there is a keeper and a defender, YOU ARE OUTNUMBERED.

I don't think the problem is pbox camping, I don't think the problem is the charge up sound.

I think the problem is how easy it is to get 4 members of your team into the pbox.

Remember in the early days of DBall, when we said "lol all n00bs do is run towards the ball", whereas 'pros' played positions?

Now everyone is a n00b, but we boost instead of run.

Posted: 17-06-2003 22:19
by Surge
also, how often do you see breakaways? the offense runs slower and the defense almost always boosts back.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:12
by DiStUrbeD
DavidM wrote: hm, we score most of our goals by shooting, and we have pretty much the best offense in EU

This is really the first time i've read this topic...and im reading it from back to front...and i came across this one. The thing is, not all teams are like yours David. Just cuz you guys score your goals by shooting, doesn't mean everybody else does.

The reason people pbox camp, is because of the instagib. But the thing is, it would ruin the defense if instagib was taken out in the pbox. The d would have no chance against a good offensive player because he runs in the pbox, takes one hit and shoots...the time between hits with the cannon is too long for that to work. If you could make something to where the defense (i.e. in the pbox or in a certian area of the map) had thier cannon hit just a little faster then normal, then you could take instagib out of the pbox and it would work great. It would take some skill to kill the guy, and the O still has a chance when they go in the pbox.

A pbox camper will wait at the line for the guy to cross, cuz a good defender will know that if he has a good keep, the offensive player will (almost) never be able to score on a standard shot outside of the pbox.

btw, sorry if this was already mentioned...but i havent read the whole topic, and im not about to sit here for an hour reading all 10 something pages of it.
theberkin8or wrote: distrubed= pwnzor at teh D (damn pbox camper :D)

I know berky ;) :)

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:12
by Astroboy
how often do you see breakaways


There is no defensive penalty for having 4 men on offense, and there is no offensive penalty for having 5 men on defense.

I don't think boosts should be removed; they are too important in gameplay now.

But I do think boosts are terribly overused.
(hell, I boost team mates all the time)

Bringing back dribbles will NOT stop 5 guys in pbox; one of them is bound to kill you.

Getting rid of the charge-up sound will NOT stop 5 guys in pbox; they only have to hit you twice, and there are 5 of them.

If you want to get rid of 5 guys in pbox, prevent them from getting there in the first place. Somehow limit boosting and you'll stop that from happening. How to limit it? That deserves a whole new thread.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:15
by DiStUrbeD
Oh as far as the boosting crap, the only way to fix it is to reduce the boost distance instead of taking it out completely. People are far too dependant on it, and it would ruin all sorts of clans strategies to take it out completely.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:19
by DiStUrbeD
DavidM wrote: volleys can always be prevented by the def, so i dont see a problem there

I just noticed this post as well from our Beloved DavidM

Yes Volley's can be do you think pbox camping started? You sit in the pbox and wait for the guy to throw it up, and you knock it away....simple idea, no?

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:25
by Astroboy
all shots can be defended.

Your job (if you are on offense) is to not suck and get past the defender(s).

If there are 5 defenders, yes that's a terrible problem. How do all the members of a team eventually reach the pbox?

I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with BOOST.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:26
by Surge
see this is the reason for Pbox camping and i think this should be fixed.

first of all, people do abuse the insta-gib of the Pbox. Secondly, the whole 2 shots to kill is based on 1.2... nopw with shake we cant go IN the pox or even in the vacinity which is why its so effective. Its also why it was more fun to play 1.3b is because you chould shoot shake free without being gibbed. At the same time th ekeeper had a non-delay hammer to his disposal.

I seriously think that some exparimenting should be done with combinations of the keeper hammer delay, shake, and the 2 hit gib in the box.

What i mean by this is if the defenders want to stay in the box you may as well tag them with a "godmode" symbol currently.

Combinations like:
- 2 hit gib, shake, and no hammer delay on the keeper
- 1 hit gib, no shake, no keeper hammer delay

I dont think its the players, i believe its the mechanics of the game that are being exploited.

After just playing an NA pub I dont think the problem are the players. I was having more problems trying to shoot and score than i was launching vollies at the net. You may think so what but shooting something i used to be VERY good at through 1.3b and 1.4b and most of the NA community can vouch for that.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:29
by Surge
after reading a little bit up at Astroboy's post i just realized what he said about getting past the defenders is the job of the offense. Thats like saying getting past a security guard standing 6 incheas infront of a door. When they sit in the pbox it's almost impossible to get past them and thats the problem. The Offense cant do its job effectivly as long as Pbox camping is around but the D job just seems to get easier every single patch.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:36
by Astroboy
Are you saying that 2 of your team's attackers can't get past a defenseman?
If that's the case, then no wonder cY won.

Do you even need to go in the pbox to shoot score? If you make decent shots from outside the pbox even the best of keepers will have trouble.

Now, if you can't get past 5 defenders in the pbox, that's a different story.

If you weaken the defenseman, it will only cause teams to get more of them, which means MORE pbox camping. (Since 3 guys in the box won't do anymore, we'll have to get 4!)

The solution is to prevent teams from being able to boost 3 guys into the pbox.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:38
by Surge
hard to have a 2v1 anymore because of boosting

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:42
by Zanboo
Surgio used to be a damn good shot. So did Puck. Hell, so did I... I lost interest when shooting became the least important part of the game :-/

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:42
by Astroboy
AstroBoy said:
The solution is to prevent teams from being able to boost 3 guys into the pbox.

Posted: 17-06-2003 23:54
by Surge
and how do you perpose doing this? making an invisable wall around the pbox after 2 defenders are in it? gimmy a break. They need to make it less useful and make defenders less dependant on it. Personally i'd like to give them a charge hammer thats a 1 hit kill anywhere on the map but has a 5 second reload time.

Posted: 18-06-2003 00:02
by uberslacker
Zanboo wrote: Surgio used to be a damn good shot. So did Puck. Hell, so did I... I lost interest when shooting became the least important part of the game :-/

indeed, i'm losing interest for this exact reason