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Posted: 01-04-2005 10:39
by Kamerolifant
Sneaky bastard!

Yesterday the pic was without the text... And I (and a friend of me) cracked our heads but are cought within your evil plan...

Posted: 01-04-2005 10:41
by Kisa
You "reloaded" it today ...

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:24
by Kiz
ooooooooo I made it!!! I see the temp end page! And it's rather scary o.o like reaching the end of the internet o.o

and hahaha, this whole lvl -26 thing is hilarious :D the people in IRC all changed their nicks back from -27 to -26 lol.

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:34
by supamom
Someone tell me...............WTF is going on here! I've just gotten up this morning and noticed this already huge thread on minus 26, read the whole lot before even looking at the pic................and now i'm totally confused!!!!:confused:

Someone HELP ME ::Pfffff::

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:37
by Kiz
hi supamom... look at the pic, it explains everything <_<

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:39
by supamom
I've been looking at it for like......................20 minutes, have tried every word i can think of to do with it in the url.............but nothing!!! I feel like such a :noob:

Ok Edit: Got it like seconds after, hadn't thought of trying the obvious one.....................but is that really it???? Hmmm, DavidM, what you up to???

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:40
by Kiz
I'll pm you lol

oops oh nvm, you got it lol.

DavidM is a rotten bastard, that's all :lol:

Posted: 01-04-2005 11:47
by supamom
Here, here..................i couldn't agree more, that was such an.............oooh, i'm lost for words.................erm.............sneaky level????? Not sure that adequately describes it, but there you go!:lol:

Posted: 01-04-2005 14:13
by my head hurts
damn... no idea

edit: okay i got it, but that was too simple....

im in the same position as supamom

Posted: 01-04-2005 16:54
by garg

I caught this one out early.

I told you lot not to bother ;)

Posted: 01-04-2005 17:34
by caligurl42s
I'm stumped

Posted: 01-04-2005 17:43
by mattf
i can only make one word, its the name of a president but it doesnt work as the answer.

Posted: 01-04-2005 17:54
by aic2276
You over thinking it. Read the picture.

Posted: 01-04-2005 17:55
by mattf
wait... so what happens when april fools is over? (about 30 seconds)

Posted: 01-04-2005 17:55
by aic2276
Still there in EXIF.