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Posted: 09-03-2005 01:23
by Burntdollar
Then why did your site fail? (Except for the riddle)

Posted: 09-03-2005 01:25
by david_g
Which site? the forum?

Posted: 09-03-2005 04:35
by theCrusifix
happens from time to time when server cant handle the bandwith..

Posted: 09-03-2005 05:42
by aic2276
Is it me or are therea lot less people posting the past few days since David started weeding out the cheaters? :lol:

Posted: 09-03-2005 05:53
by david_g
I think it's been about the same amount. You have to keep in mind that about half the posts we've gotten in the last couple days have been people asking why their old answers tell them that they're cheating.

Posted: 09-03-2005 06:00
by david_g
YES there are fakes, lol and there is a real answer to beat the game, its not any of this info spreading thesis crap. heres a link from notprons forums, made my davidM

there is a list of evry cheater, if youll notice, the keywords they use are the same ones posted here and at the bottom it says "you guys could benifit from a little less nodinho" you know why? cause davidM and other people post links to fake endings just to throw off and catch dumbass cheaters like you off
was this posted by one of our own? or are they on to us yet again?

Posted: 09-03-2005 06:24
by theCrusifix
damn it someone spoiled the spoiler on their forums, whoever did this read the threads here.

Posted: 09-03-2005 06:49
by TRock
Yeah, part of people's confusion is from that fact that there are more than one answer for the last level. I personally think it's so ingenious that they managed to put several different solutions into the same set of clues. So far I know that turpentine and riddlesend work and I've heard that nausea works too but I'm not sure about that one (and, as I've found out, there are several others). SECRET was put in to stop cheaters, so don't use that one--it's wrong. I think they've put up some fake forum stuff to make people think they've got the wrong answer but it's just bs to throw you off. The people on the notpron forums are just losers.
So let me see if I really understand this; they got busted cheating so now we're the losers? LOL! Ah... boy...

- Tania :)

Posted: 09-03-2005 07:03
by david_g
That sounds like something that someone from here would have posted. Notice it still encourages sending in wrong answers and even suggests a new one we've never heard of before - nausea.

Posted: 09-03-2005 09:21
by supamom
It just gets better and better doesn't it!!!! Hmm, gonna have to think up some more shit!:lol: As lots of the levels are changing, it makes sense that you might change the end level does it not. Hmmmm, i'm thinking now, look out for some more weird and wonderfull endings to the notpron riddle;)

Posted: 09-03-2005 09:28
by seer

Actually the more 'Cheating Options' that you give these dickheads the harder it will be for them to find the true ending.

Are there many sites giving out Spoilers..????...those might need the same treatment.

Posted: 09-03-2005 12:47
by triper
This nordinho page is really really funny now :lol: :lol: ... #post54416

Posted: 09-03-2005 12:57
by DavidM
Who was posting this last stuff? :)

Posted: 09-03-2005 13:02
by DavidM
ps: i wrote the one from ranked person 358 *cough*

Posted: 09-03-2005 13:12
by aic2276
I did that a couple of hours ago. I included the 3 sites in my mail (which ones I won´t tell, I don´t want them exposed). DavidM answered, that he was very happy for me helping him to get informations. He told me, that he got the idea to try and get the information this way from a movie about a fastspreading virus. Hís only concern is, that people DON´T read everything in the htm, so that he can get the real answers. The real answers ARE the 3 sites.

Who did this? :lol: I wonder is some dumb-ass fell for the 3 sites yet?