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Posted: 09-01-2004 00:35
by -LyNx-
:'( is it true you get it £10 cheaper if you have ut2k3 ;>

Posted: 09-01-2004 00:36
by Rens2Sea

Posted: 09-01-2004 09:07
by Maegrim
lynx: yup

Posted: 09-01-2004 14:16
by TEZC-Rage
£7.50 for ukers actually, but you have to send off for your money

Posted: 09-01-2004 14:17
by BurntLeaf
is there the dvd box edition on amazon or anything yet?

Posted: 10-01-2004 22:33
by -LyNx-
haha i have 2 copys and i will by my friends for £3 = free money