temporarily banned.....

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Post by DJ.G. »

i agree peeps should be banned from server for a week or something??
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Sometimes it is hard... sometimes ppl have to be banned...

I mean... There are servers where u can't kick ppl... And when I was playing (happened several times) some noob asshole has ruined the game by playing as a noobnoob, and scoring owngoals... but I think U know what I mean... And we could'nt kick/ban him...

Other things are AFK ppl.... OMG I hate AFKs... Not those who go to the toilet... those who omfg dunno what they do.... When I have to go... get a msg on IRC or sth, I allways leave server so I won't be AFK or sth like that... But AFK keeps???? And when u score U are noob??? FFS... Kick/Ban vote is needed for every server!!!!! But there has to be a vote program made where u can only vote kick/ban when there are more then 3 ppl on server... or more then 5 or dunno... whatever...

Anyway... we should sit on the horse, and not fall off from the oder side of it...
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Post by Messy »

Yes..well I didn't quite see what you meant there with most parts of that rant..but u have a point with the AFK thingy.

I hate afk players -.- There's a high chance you will pass to them anyway, and that always makes you lose the ball.

I suggest everyone who turns afk, PLEASE leave the server, even if it's for a few minutes (a few seconds doznt matter really, or even being on the phone), don't be completely ignorant and just leave.

It's rude to stay in the server when AWOL x_X

Post by Panda »

My admin logins don't work any more so I assume the person you want is that "TheMobe" feller whoever the hell he is.
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

Panda, where you kicked out of gs.net?

Post by Panda »

No, I sort of half left. Was having personal problems (which eventually got diagnosed as depression) and I didn't have time to arse around with the website and policing the servers. I thought that gs.net were keeping me on in some kind of capacity but obviously not. I'm still opped in their IRC channel though which is odd
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Post by Twigstir »

There are far too many lamers to turn off vote kicking. Setting the vote kick percentage up high helps defeat it's abuse. I believe mine is set at 75%. It can still be abused by a group of idiots but, that should not happen very often at all. Email server admins if it does. Make sure you note date, time and player names so the admin is able to check logs.

Server admins often talk when such things come up. Once nailed, these people won't have any servers to play on.
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

Panda wrote: No, I sort of half left. Was having personal problems (which eventually got diagnosed as depression) and I didn't have time to arse around with the website and policing the servers. I thought that gs.net were keeping me on in some kind of capacity but obviously not. I'm still opped in their IRC channel though which is odd

Gute Besserung


Post by DaJero »

There has to be a minimum number of players on a server aswell. I'd say atleast 5 players to be able to kick/temp. ban someone.
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Post by Messy »

I hardly know any server that has admin's their, let alone speccing or in the game, and if they are they're not doing their jobs properly.

For example an unnamed admin that threatens to kick people if they "boost him again" or just because their team is losing.
This is lame and methinx gs.net shud get some proper admins that don't use the admin login for fun and boasting.

And as for kermit, panda, he means "Get well soon :)", and I fully second that ^_^

Post by Panda »

As far as I'm aware, the admins I appointed while I was in charge were reasonable people although admittedly some of them weren't around all that often from what I've seen and heard from people. I don't know if those guys still have their admin accounts or wether all the current admins are "TheMobe"'s employees. Either way I would have hoped that the admins wouldn't be fucking around

Thanks for your well-wishes by the way
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Panda, im alrdy CoD admin and would love to even do Deathball, plz inform me if this is possible

[edit].. psst. messy, Ninja turtles the movie is now on tv
** Go Ninja , Go Ninja GO** :D its leet, i heard u say it somewhere on a thread but couldnt find it nemore**

Post by Panda »

Quite sure that I already pointed out somewhere in this thread that I'm no longer admin, ask some of the opped people (apart from me) in #gameservers.net if you want to be involved
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Post by Messy »

Well, I'm not gonna name the baddy admins so I'll just silently hope they'll be reasonable :)

Thank you for the tip rage, I'm afraid I read it too late tho :o
Hope you had fun watching it.

And damn i'd wub to be an admin /o\ but I don't have the guts to ask them ;p (they're dutch you know..really scary :<)

Post by Panda »

Right, Gs.net have got in touch with me and given me some updated server admin account details so if you're still banned or anything then let me know and I'll have a look