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Posted: 28-12-2003 00:28
by RaGe|DB

Posted: 28-12-2003 00:36
by Fizzy
wait till next version comes out, ill take you one, expect it in your inbox then

Posted: 28-12-2003 00:36
by Instigator

Posted: 28-12-2003 00:42
by RaGe|DB

[edit] hi insti o/ [edit]

Posted: 28-12-2003 00:43
by Armagon
wait till next version comes out, ill take you one, expect it in your inbox then


Posted: 28-12-2003 00:43
by RaGe|DB
Armagon wrote: ROFL!


whats owned?, i never saw any owned in that gg

Posted: 28-12-2003 00:44
by |Taken|
I might have a go at this... was wondering if you guys would rathr see some outrageous plastic armour stuff (ipod style) dark ut kind of stuff or the usual footi kit but kind of individualised and of 'course the ladies got to be kinky throughout. (kthx longest sentence eva)

Posted: 28-12-2003 01:50
by Messy
Hm..I personally definitely don't want to wear sporty stuff -.-
Make it something like the tony hawk thing if u must..but it doznt have to be too complicated imo..not too many options.

My suggestion:

Like in the old menu (before the option was never had any effect btw), choose ur class: attacker, keeper, sweeper. --> This will effect your model

Choose your gender --> male, female, davidm

Choose pants --> Just 4 or something..sporty, kinky, alternative, naked (adam n eve's style leaf, or mini pin up-picture)

Choose shirt --> for example naked, football-tee, hoody down alternative thingymajiggy whatever..don't really know or long as it's fun and has something for every1 (in big lines)

Choose shoes (yeh i know it's a weird order for clothes -.- I'm making this up as I go) --> sporty puma crap (altho puma wud definitely try to claim some money if the winner of the 1,000,000 prize thingymajiggy big-company epic's big contest thingymajiggy used THEIR shoe in the mod), leet skate shoes, bare-footed..whatever really O_o

Face --> dunno bout this one, could be general faces, or maybe even pictures of the mod team, or daring and semi-famous db players (after all..the community is quite small and we all know the good players)

Skin colour tone --> black, hispanic, green, whatever..maybe a custom colour thingy could be implemented

Custom name and number on shirt (shud be shortname and chosen number, 2 digits always)

(Facial) Hair --> Spiky (use my picture as an example :devil:), mullet/bald, tidy stuff, long hair, whatever...bearded, goatee, etc. etc.

Besides that, I suggest minor things like (as suggested before) keeper gets a mask (like in ice hockey) n stuff like that..maybe make keeper fatter, defenders really strong and big/beefy/bulky (but not fat) and attackers looking generally thin and having a fast look to them..maybe even animation-wise (altho we're not that far yet so nevermind that suggestion).

Hmm maybe that *does* sound a bit complex and stuff..but simplify it a bit :) Most important thing to me is that you can see difference in keeper/attacker/defender (as chosen in menu..of course attackers can play with a defender model, it doznt change physics or anything..same speed..same hitbox (cept for keeper-related stuff) etc..), all in all..not too many options plz ;)

hmm just some random rambling suggestions..altho please read them and maybe try implementing them or summit \o/

Posted: 28-12-2003 01:52
by BurntLeaf
gg essay

Posted: 28-12-2003 01:53
by Messy
OMG O_o I actually went to general discussion and saw Burntleaf newest post @ this thread and when clicking I imagined what you say

And the first exact thing that came to mind was: "gg essay O_o"

And look what u wrote :x

heh gg me ;p
read it tho -.- comment on it? x_X

Posted: 28-12-2003 01:58
by [GR]Kermit
n1 messy but i would something like that:

if the position is sweeper:
let him wear hard clothes \o/
something like a helmet etc.

etc. etc.

Shoes are not very important i think.

But i think it would be cool if you can import custom flags for the fans :p

Posted: 28-12-2003 02:40
by |Taken|
I'm a fan of big chunky defined boots with big metal chunky bits on and stuff ¬_¬ I'm a Dr.Martens fan :p. I hope i can include those with shoes when i give this a shot. I've already got a design based on an anime wallpaper that i've seen of an anime character from War of Genisis 3.

Excuse me for my punctuation i was never taught.

And as for facial hair Messy i thought SOAD beards would be in order.

Oo and naked people with tatoos OBVIOUSLY. Tell me if you guys disaprove of any of my ideas, I want to get these designs rite.

I'll be using the same body template for all outfit designs too 'cause i sure as hell aren't talented enough to draw the people out like 3 time.

Posted: 28-12-2003 02:46
by Messy
|Taken| wrote: And as for facial hair Messy i thought SOAD beards would be in order.

Which are called goatees ;) As i mentioned :D

What's with u drawing them n stuff tho? :o
Taken is helping out teamvortex? :eek:

Posted: 28-12-2003 04:23
by |Taken|
Taken is being a complete noob and knows she won't get anywhere with her ideas but she has to find some way to entertain herself other than laming in mIRC

and Messy (i don't know their names) I wana include the leetorz plaitted beard

Posted: 28-12-2003 04:35
by Requiem``
Messy wrote: My suggestion:

Choose your gender --> male, female, davidm
