Everywhere SmallCube

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Post by BurntLeaf »

1.9 smallcube is better than 1.8 smallcube :\
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Post by Messy »

Get a mister hanky construction set kthx.

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Post by FeEdiKo »

gg... 3 full server with smallcube :X
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Post by Fruitcake »

DB-Waterpolo beats all of them :p
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Post by Mayer.hun »

thats an omg level.... lol
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Post by speedy »

don't mind hassan... he doesn't know what owned is

hassan, that's not owned
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Post by Ha]SS[aN »

speedy get a life
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Post by Noko »

I completely agree, Smallcube is played far too much and why is the mapvote broken on the gameserver customs server? It's ghey when you have a vote and the server automatically selects SC or Avenir (which now annoys me too).
Bazzi (I think is the moderator of the DB servers), This thread needs some closure :D
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Post by Messy »

Bazzi isn't x_X Afaik.

And yeh I find the custom map server is so much fun if it's used properly.

Just that all the time people play either Avenir (which is auto selected each time :(), or Smallcube, which is the only thing they want enough to actually take the hassle of starting a mid-game voting session.

Only *once* I played some proper matches on that server, on DB-Zodiac, DB-Hall and some other maps, which was refreshingly fun I might add :)
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Yeah... those are the fun maps... but when u play 5v5 on SC... that is bullshit... In the end, 4 Vote for SC, 3 for Normal Cube, 1 for November, or chill, or sth else and 2 guys leave :P And SC wins... and omfg... that is shit play... We gotta do sth about this...

There has to be a mapVote patch with the option: bCantVoteForCurrentMap=True :p
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Post by Messy »

There was one like that once /o\
It appears to be gone now tho x_X or no1 uses it..or whatever.

Just remove SC from servers' mapvote, keep it for *some* servers, vo servers and servers with 4-6 max players O_O

And especially remove it from the custom maps server :x and then make the mapvote work \o/ (can't you make the voting time shorter than the time the server takes to go to the next level? I believe you can adjust both intervals)
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Hmz... or Maybe make a Server: Only SC with VO option ann another server: ONly Cube

hmz.... would be good, and of course costum map server, with costum maps -_-
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Post by Messy »

There's already an Only Cube server by 1234, and almost every deathball server these days seems to be SC only.
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Post by Armagon »

On our aussie server (which we use mapvote on) you cannot vote a map that you played up to 4 or 5 games ago.
Last edited by Armagon on 04-01-2004 05:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Noko »

Messy wrote: Bazzi isn't x_X Afaik.
Don't know where I got that from.

Anyway, the maps on the custom map server are great, It just takes so much effort to get everyone in a server to vote mid game for a decent map. Aswell as the fact that I've played SC and Avenir too many times, having a map forced on you by a broken mapvote miffs you off and makes the map less enjoyable from the offset. (No offence to the mappers involved, they're great).

Who moderates the servers???