Deathball Etiquette Codex

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

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Post by Robotojon »

yeah, vo sucks, shame that a lot of the time, the only servers with peeps on these days are smallcube vo :'(
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Post by Imaginos »

Sure, but like lemmings people still go into them. What makes me laugh is when a vote comes up and people vote November or cube, it clears out pronto.

Deathball already has a reputation for not being nice to rookies.. to the point noone new comes in to play. You're proposing a players code of honor and expect that to undo what has been about a year's worth of damage? Lord knows, I spent a *lot* of time trying to instill that idea in the heads of the v3 crew. It's one thing to win, but another thing to be winners worth of emulating as a great example of teamwork, sportsmanship and class. I failed in convincing them of the value in this and the end result is that the team brought really didn't do anything to advance the game as positive role models.

So it comes back to what do we do about the deathball reputation and how do we enforce rules / police ourselves?
How do we change the way the Deathball community is perceived and encourage people to give us another chance?
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Post by NitrousOxide »

Imaginos wrote: How do we change the way the Deathball community is perceived and encourage people to give us another chance?
Gag everyone in public servers, just like what happens in M$ internet games that come with XP (all you have to chat with are a list of constructive comments), to prevent "kthnxggn00bfagwhocantboostwhosnext" etc :p

Incorporate something like the "serveradds" mutator into DB that scrolls through a list of handy tips.

For public servers, code an option that lets each team pick their keeper for the entire match (unless someone agrees to swap places) before kickoff and then force that player to remain within the pbox... even if they try to temporarily leave the server in order to become an outfield player! The "where n00bs meet" server is suffering from absent keeper syndrome an awful lot of late!!