Unban me allready!

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

End ban?

No, give it another week
No, a year is fine for you
Total votes: 43

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Post by BloodyLoony »

So does Sean Paul, I'm told
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Post by BloodyLoony »

btw lock this topic! and extenmd the ban wit one year! *hahahah*
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Post by Goldeneye »

rofl... i told you that this ban is most likely not gonna last a year...
and you should really know yourself why you got banned, no need to argument about that.

and don't twist my words, i only told you that it's my and cata's channel cause you thought it was ridiculous that i didn't talk to the other ops... at least you made it sound like that.

well, anyway i originally would have been fine with a 1,5 week ban but as most protested against that i opened a vote and it's result was one year. so i banned the 5 of you for that 1 year, and watched your reactions. From what i've seen by now most of you don't seem to have learned their lessons, and still see faking nearly a whole team in an official match as nothing too bad. And you can't tell me you didn't think of anything when you got asked to join the server with a faked nick. and don't tell me it has nothing to do with #dbpickup when you do things like that in dbl. it's the same community and it is something against the community, as it cannot start that one gets off with a loose punishment. Or others will start off doing the same and maybe even spoil someone's or a team's reputation by that, which is totally unacceptable as you'll most probably agree. Thus i want to stop the whole thing at it's roots by showing that one won't get far with it.

anyway i'll talk to the other chanops (as i already told you cap) and the decision will be announced somewhere then i guess...
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Post by Armagon »

GG Goldeneye. :)
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Post by NitrousOxide »

Ban them for life \o/
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Post by Capital_G »

(18:55:13) (sD-Goldeneye) well, there is no need to talk to the others at all if that's what you want. but then the ban will last for that year... but yeah, i havn't talked to them yet, and there is no real reason why i should have either, their has been that vote, and it's my (and cata's) channel anyways...
Im sorry, did I mis-quote? cause thats what I heard, all I did was leave the cata bit out.

and, btw, like im stupid enough to fake a nick again, its just I havent seen any real progress in even discussing this with dbl-council. Cause as u said, this is closely related to dbl :)
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Post by BlackFlame »

that channel has nothing to do with us, that is up to Goldeneye/cata i geuss
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Post by InSaNe` »

You take responsibility for your own actions.

Now face with it or go rot in a hole.
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Post by Capital_G »

BlackFlame wrote: that channel has nothing to do with us, that is up to Goldeneye/cata i geuss

Hey, Im just quoting again
Goldeneye wrote: and don't tell me it has nothing to do with #dbpickup when you do things like that in dbl. it's the same community and it is something against the community,
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Post by Instigator »

imo ban should be lifted on 1st of jan:)
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Post by Messy »

Lift it as a christmas present?

Come on dude...1 sodding year? >_< Do you honestly think there will still be ppl playing db after a year?

Besides, the pickup service is irrelevant to the dbleague.

Sure, it's ur choice, ur channel, nothing any1 can change about that..and sure, it was stupid of cap_g, and him being temp. banned from dbl matches is completely correct, if it was for me he had been banned for the rest of the season..but it doesn't make the ban, and the choice to do it less gay.

Act childish or act reasonable, it's ur choice and ur pickup channel..
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Childish or Reasonable?
Thats the options?

WoW messy, YOU have a grip on the situation...

What it boils down to is .. they cheated.

They didnt just "fakenick" they "fakenicked" for an OFFICIAL game..

sure, whatever division they were in is irrelevent, cos most of the DBL is tits-up anyway... but thats not the point..

It's Goldy and Cata's chan, and i think both were unhappy about it themselves, hey, you're lucky you could still get into Ef Oh Ee Cap :)

Besides, if they want to ban people..why not? It's exactly like when i wanted (and did, for a day :p) ban people for using the phrase 'kthx' .. and when i banned both Lunix and Lynx for being bastards on 123/4 servers... that had nothing to do with DBpickup..

..or.. did it?

/me asks someone to quote rule number 1...

/me rests his case

p.s i said a month was enough for you rule-breakers... if that makes any difference..

p.s.2 - Cap, stop making it out like its only you ;)
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Post by Dazlin »

hehe i got plenty of other games to keep me happy atm...

but sure an UNban would be nice :p
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Post by Capital_G »

the only thing this ban does is encourage me to nickfake, cause its now the only way for me to play deathball.
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Post by Armagon »

I doubt it. The idea is, that you shouldn't be nick-faking again to play DB.
Rather, you should realise that NOT nick-faking is the only way your ban is going to get lifted quicker. :p