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Posted: 23-03-2003 12:54
by Alars
also there's another one somewhere on the right hand page down the bottom...i forget which word it is...

Posted: 23-03-2003 13:12
by The Hermit
Alars_Crabri wrote: also there's another one somewhere on the right hand page down the bottom...i forget which word it is...

As long as I've got your name right I'm happy! :D
I've found three now, but it's a pain trying to change it now... :confused:

Posted: 23-03-2003 13:26
by Alars
i can't even begin to imagine...

Posted: 23-03-2003 15:19
by The Hermit
The button that the ball appears on now actually looks like a button. :rolleyes:

Will update site later. :cool:

Posted: 23-03-2003 20:27
by The Hermit
Download updated! :eek:

Posted: 23-03-2003 23:32
by beefsack
ozforces better put this on their server of i am going flamo beserk :p

Posted: 24-03-2003 09:38
by Alars
Damn right beefy..

Posted: 24-03-2003 15:20
by Armagon
I really love this map, good stuff Hermit. Can't wait for the final release. Since you seem to like doing mini maps like this, I have an idea for another if you're interested.

You have a field that is actually a picnic. You have a giant basket with the ball spawn inside it, some bottles of drink, and various foods on plates that act as slopes leading upwards into the basket. The picnic blanket ends at each penalty zone. From here the players are running on bare dirt towards little oddly shaped anthills that curved to have the entrance on the side rather than on top. This means, when you shoot the ball into the goal, rather than there being a net there is a big hole it drops into and out of sight. What you think? Too complicated?

Posted: 24-03-2003 17:34
by The Hermit
Armagon wrote: I really love this map, good stuff Hermit. Can't wait for the final release. Since you seem to like doing mini maps like this, I have an idea for another if you're interested.

You have a field that is actually a picnic. You have a giant basket with the ball spawn inside it, some bottles of drink, and various foods on plates that act as slopes leading upwards into the basket. The picnic blanket ends at each penalty zone. From here the players are running on bare dirt towards little oddly shaped anthills that curved to have the entrance on the side rather than on top. This means, when you shoot the ball into the goal, rather than there being a net there is a big hole it drops into and out of sight. What you think? Too complicated?
:eek: YES!

Might be able to do something similar, but to busy thinking about this one at the moment! :D
Erm, what gives you the impression that I like doing 'mini maps'? This is the first one I've EVER done for any game, and it's not been easy...

Posted: 24-03-2003 17:42
by Armagon
Oh, my bad. I just realised that I mistook a map called (I think) DM-Backroom for DB-Back2Back (which also is a great map by the way). DM-Backroom is a giant bedroom/study, it doesn't come close to matching the level of detail that you showed in DB-JE-TheBook. I'm glad you liked my idea tho, and in suggesting it I was implying it to be a possibilty for after DB-JE-TheBook is completed. :D

Posted: 24-03-2003 17:53
by The Hermit
Armagon wrote: Oh, my bad. I just realised that I mistook a map called (I think) DM-Backroom for DB-Back2Back (which also is a great map by the way). DM-Backroom is a giant bedroom/study, it doesn't come close to matching the level of detail that you showed in DB-JE-TheBook. I'm glad you liked my idea tho, and in suggesting it I was implying it to be a possibilty for after DB-JE-TheBook is completed. :D

To be honest, there isn't really that much detail if you look at the whole map. The most detailed park has got to be the book with it's HUGE texture, it's just one...

It's slightly spooky, because my idea for my next map had the goals as holes in the tops of small hills but in a park area (Skate park? - concrete with smooth curves up the sides) and trees around it plus the players NORMAL size. ;)

I'm thinking of doing a larger version of DB-JE-Back2Back. Not sure on the design, but that's a future project! :cool:

Posted: 24-03-2003 18:11
by Armagon
Texture quality and lighting quality was what I was referring to when comparing the two maps. The textures are blurry and bland in DM-Backroom and there doesn't seem to have been much effort with lighting. It's just one big bright room, with a few big shadows.

I like the sound of a skate park arena. Though I'm not sure how you would go about a map like that, particularly with all the quarter and half pipes.

Posted: 24-03-2003 18:25
by The Hermit
Forgot to mention earlier, DB-JE-TheBook is now on DeathBall Maps. ... .php?id=33

Posted: 26-03-2003 00:29
by Grim
Cool looking map :D :D

Posted: 26-03-2003 05:48
by theberkin8or
hermit this map is awesome looking and a great conscept but i have and i would love to see it get played, but i think some game play issues need to be address, i think that some how the bounders of the book should be the same as the playing field, i haven't seen it on a server yet but i am willing to bet with the edge of the book there is going to be a lot ball chasing, imo needless ball chasing sucs, other wise it is a kick ass map