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Posted: 05-11-2003 21:37
by speedy
how am i poof?

i have a girlfriend duh (by the way learn how to spell)

as for you doubting us winning div 2, we are able to because we have beaten div 1 teams before

gg lynx pwned poof

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:38
by Ars3h
beaten div1 teams? in friendlys, friendlys mean sweet fa, btw your girlfriend looks like a man.

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:40
by speedy
how the fuck can you saw she looks like a man when you haven't seen her?

at least i have a girlfriend
pwned again poof

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:42
by Ars3h
erm i do have 1? wtf r u on about, you dont know much...

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:45
by speedy
did you pay her? lol

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:47
by Ars3h
??? pay her ???

why would i pay her

Posted: 05-11-2003 21:48
by Ars3h
anyway :offtopic:

i think [DeeZ] will win
FB 2nd

then i dunno

Posted: 05-11-2003 23:41
by Sina

Posted: 05-11-2003 23:45
by GazMaN
i swear to god ive seen her on thumbzilla :o

Posted: 05-11-2003 23:54
by Instigator

Posted: 06-11-2003 00:48
by [V3]Cajubski

Posted: 06-11-2003 01:37
by Imo
GazMaN wrote: i swear to god ive seen her on thumbzilla :o

I was thinking thehun myself.

Posted: 06-11-2003 03:39
by [V3]Jew
saw that pic on another forum, but anyways div2 still sucks dick and who cares kthx suck em baby

Posted: 06-11-2003 08:29
by fro
i think it was on realdoll actually.

Posted: 06-11-2003 11:39
by ThaGiMiC
LOL @ how the topic has changed =).......btw the pic does look familiar

btw any =ENG= ppl out there I need help, since I formatted my PC a week ago I lost my irc stuff, and the key to the ENG channel =/