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Posted: 03-11-2003 00:39
by klesk
ppl quit because: sprint bug, no boosted man pass and tetris sounds. i saw very very many ppl quitting because of these 3 things in 1.9. is that what y'all wanted?

Posted: 03-11-2003 01:17
by Croaker
ask davidm, cause he make the change :(
if he dont consult peoples (like almost all NA players) and do a release only to please one communuty, it's not his problem.

BTW, some sounds are really gay (even if they are useful), not hard to find a good sound eh... Also the *no* boosted man right click pass has slowed NA games a lot. Davidm should come pug sometime in his life with NA players or at least spec...

Posted: 03-11-2003 04:27
by Catalyst88
I'd make the suggestion that:

1) People should be able to pass to a boosted man who's been boosted by the enemy, since it's their fault for doing it


2) you should be able to pass to a boosted man IN YOUR HALF. this should prevent the boostrick but still help out with keeping the tempo of the game up when moving out from defense.

Also, the tetris sounds are being changed, and I'm gonna fix sprint. Along with those an interactive tutorial is top of my list atm (and fixing a other few small bugs as well)

YoYo789 wrote: that's great, but when? Are we talking days, weeks or until db2.0?

because this update which screws up sprint has happened right in the centre of our league.

I'll work on it starting tomorrow, too tired atm. It may mean a new gametype, if we don't release a 1.9b soon, but I'll fix it within a few days.

Posted: 03-11-2003 10:22
by Alars
w000t i wub j00 cata

Posted: 03-11-2003 13:01
by [1234]Jr
My Fix: Dont use sprint

Ok Thanks Next Please

Posted: 03-11-2003 13:07
by -plær-
Catalyst88 wrote: ... 2) you should be able to pass to a boosted man IN YOUR HALF...
How about if the player in question was *boosted* from their own half. Unless the boosting power gets fux0red about with, this will allow the free-flowing game to continue, and you can take advantage of defenses on the counter, while stopping the rmb penix-launcher-style moves.

Posted: 03-11-2003 17:13
by Messy
That, in fact, is a great idea!

And Chrisfu can I play with ur naked woman now? :(