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Posted: 29-10-2003 06:41
by Catalyst88
theberkin8or wrote: um if you get rid of the ablity to volley from the broomstick euro will still have a problem with it?<----you didn't asnwer this i think... is it still cheap without being able to volley hard?

Not so fast ;). I'll just answer this question THEN i'll bugger off :). The cheapness comes from the ease of just boosting a player forward, passing using secondary (locked on, easy as anything), then the other player can volley it in. Tht requires only a basic level of skill for a VERY powerful trick. If the pass has to be timed perfectly and aimed, whilst under pressure from defenders (ie you have to make space for yourself), then that requires skill comparable with creating space for a straight shot... this removes the cheapness. I have no problem with the volley itself, or the trick at a certain level...

Posted: 29-10-2003 06:44
by theberkin8or
you do have to time it pretty damn well and boosting a guy the right hieght isn't that easy NA d has gotten pretty decent @ stoping anything but well preformed penix shots... sorry i have to get the last word ;)

Posted: 29-10-2003 07:14
by DavidM
Just one thing. We are not gonna make lot's of serverside options that affect gameplay. Would be horrible if every server had different gameplay settings, we need one gametype! Sprint is enough as option, cause it really makes 2 different games. Adding another option gets us 4 different gametypes, another = 8....blah

I'll try to watch more aussie and NA matches from now on.

But if something can be whored in EU it can also be whored in NA, if you are so nice not to do it cannot justify not to remove it :/

Posted: 29-10-2003 07:17
by theberkin8or
i agree that is why you should just leave dribbling in cuz it doesn't hurt nobody but can be fun :) if it becomes a problem in the future just remove it.. isn't like you have any problem with removing things after ppl get used to them right? :)

Posted: 29-10-2003 11:04
by f1end
How does this "new" dribble work then??? Is it like "F1end's 1.8 Dribble™"

If any1 has seen me on a pub recently, u may have seen me doing my own style of dribble in 1.8...still learning to control it properly atm, but it's quite effective at gaining a bit of what's this new dribble?

Posted: 29-10-2003 11:38
by DiStUrbeD
dribbling is easy in 1.8

been doing it for months now

Posted: 29-10-2003 13:42
by Fallen
DavidM wrote:
I'll try to watch more aussie and NA matches from now on.

So when will you come present yourselfs in our presense. No n00b games david, play a few pugs with us. Or spectate if you wish.

Posted: 29-10-2003 14:21
by gemXX
DavidM wrote: ... But if something can be whored in EU it can also be whored in NA, if you are so nice not to do it cannot justify not to remove it :/

I think their point was 'we love whoring the move and see no lameness in it'

Posted: 29-10-2003 17:22
by theberkin8or
erm NA hasn't whored a move beside volleys for about 3 weeks after vw stoped penixing so we aren't protecting our move that we whore

Posted: 29-10-2003 18:11
by fro
unfortunately we cannot trust the minority of players not to whore a move over and over and over and over again, and to ruin it for the majority.


Posted: 29-10-2003 19:20
by Inphidel
Dribbling is ok, the only part about dribbling that pissed me off is the kids that used it, often ended up losing the ball because they're trying to show how cool they are, meanwhile your treking back and forth on the field wasting your time watching em fuck up..

becareful with the dribble tho.. the whole being boosted into your own shot to gain field and not be hurt is a nice trick to be whored in the future..

Posted: 29-10-2003 19:22
by theberkin8or
if you have used the dribbling in 1.9 you will know that geting ball high enough for a booster to boost you into the ball isn't that easy to time (you can get the ball up but it takes about .3 or so of a second to get it there)

Posted: 01-11-2003 15:32
by InSaNe`DB
Well well well.

I really like Cata for the reason that she actually listens to us. We would have been better of as her as the creator/project leader of DB..

He can't do this ONE LITTLE THING THE IGNORANT PRICK(Yes DavidM). He can't just put it back in can't he. How hard is it? If it gets berk to shutup then it sure as hell should be done. Or make it optional jesus fucking christ listen to us for once you fuckign ignorant asshole.

Posted: 01-11-2003 18:32
by Messy
Inphidel wrote: the whole being boosted into your own shot to gain field and not be hurt is a nice trick to be whored in the future..
It's like ur quoting me Imf :) In fact, I started a thread about this and every1 came down on me whining because it didn't help u :p

And seriously, against good D / a good team, it will hardly help u at all, unless u somehow get to trick the one behind u to boost u up so u get to do a volley from above pzone on ur own :o

ooh...gtg try that once :p 'go fish' style \o/ sum it up, bah inf, that trick doznt help and JOO AER LAEEMM!1!111 (jk i wub u...i think :()

Posted: 01-11-2003 20:43
by [V3]Jew
bring fast paste dribbling back so we can burn tha d kthx not tha slow dribble dat slows you down kthx suck em baby