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Posted: 20-10-2003 08:44
by Ars3h
with 3 players? switchbone not being very active, not really possible

Posted: 20-10-2003 09:53
by Maegrim
and then cy died...;)

Posted: 20-10-2003 10:26
by FeEdiKo
i joined with ugly, sga and chaos in november '02 =) \o/

and my authnick is still cY|FeEdiKo 0_o

Posted: 20-10-2003 10:52
by Sequa
Happy birthday cY!! \o/ :p

E: There are two rages in the list @rico :hmmmz: :S

Posted: 20-10-2003 11:11
by DavidM

Posted: 20-10-2003 11:56
by Rens2Sea
\o/ :O

Posted: 20-10-2003 12:48
by cY|riCo
Ars3h wrote: wasnt it me who last kept cyclonix alive, if i left there would of been 3 members. but i decided to stay and i recruited 2 members so we could go on, plus im not even mentioned sigh
but without chaos that was long time before you even couldnt have joined cy ;) (engrish)

Posted: 20-10-2003 13:08
by Ars3h
yes but why wasnt i mentioned int list :\

Posted: 20-10-2003 13:38
by Kr4ng
hooray \o/ Birthday!!!!! Where is teh cake?? :O ^^

Posted: 20-10-2003 13:49
by cY|riCo
oww now i understand sorry lynx as i said i cant remember all members at one time \o/

Posted: 20-10-2003 13:51
by cY|riCo
free drinks&snacks in #cyclonix :P

no cakes \o/

Posted: 20-10-2003 14:42
by [GR]Kermit
you wanted to play faceoff with me =(

Happy Birthday from 3dg|bp the kindergarten of cYclonix

Posted: 20-10-2003 16:21
by BurntLeaf
Snazzy \o/

Posted: 20-10-2003 17:11
by Kr4ng
cY|riCo wrote: free drinks&snacks in #cyclonix :P

no cakes \o/


ffs!!!!! it´s no Birthday if there is no cake!!!!! :noob:


Posted: 20-10-2003 17:17
by cY|riCo
