DB-Cartoon (name in working progress etc..blah blah)

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Post by UnrealKrake »

Used this technique in DB-Soccer allready...

Create a mover in form of a sheet, and cover it with the texture u like. Choose a position for it in inactive form outside the stage (keypoint 0). Choose now the position for the texture it should appear (as you know of lines for maps, there should be a space of 1 between wall and texture). If event is called by the trigger (the texture should appear), mover moves to position you had chosen. Trigger the event with a timer, if it should appear more than one time.

Don't understand my declaration cause of my noobish english ?? Go on my page and dl "DB-Soccer" and watch the telescreens.

Anyone knows different ways, i would be thankful too =)
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Post by Armagon »

Looks good, I can't wait to see the end result. ;)
Rats, now I want to do a cell shaded map. :rolleyes:
Last edited by Armagon on 09-10-2003 21:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twigstir »

I used movers in DB-SunsetBeta2 for the same type of effects (post hit triggers a mover. Also a player hitting the fan triggers another mover). I also used a material switch off of a trigger to rotate textures (center ball graphics of Sunset) however, material switches do not work online.

I was hoping someone found a way to change textures without movers. A material switch that worked online.

From the posts, I'm guessing movers where used for the cracked screen effect and not some new way of doing the same thing?
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

well i think it a bug due to epic, or they just want to save some bandwidth issues? it was teh same as the cameratextureclient... epic's one never worked, but Team Vortex got one working thanks to UsAaR33.
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

some more. better res as well.

I have removed the 'Hitting post, crossbar and screen' messages with UnrealKrake's idea.

Also if anyone can find a glass cracking, not smashing WAV, it would be nice :D

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Post by [1234]Jr »

:O .. i must have it.. \o/

nice :)

Will Homer be in the next SS's? :)
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non working material switches / cameras online

Post by Goldeneye »

from what i remember, when i made that one small scoreboard script, you just have to set bAlwaysRelevant = True for the MaterialSwitch. since this is usually not possible without a script, you can use a trick to do it without one.

just copy the actor you want to change in your clipboard (ctrl+c or edit->copy), now open notepad and paste it in there. next add somewhere between "Begin Actor ..." and "End Actor" a new line and type there "bAlwaysRelevant=True".

should look something like this now:

Code: Select all

Begin Map
Begin Actor Class=MaterialTrigger Name=MaterialTrigger1
End Actor
Begin Surface
End Surface
End Map
[edit]forgot these lines :|
now copy the whole thing back into ued (in notepad: ctrl+a; ctrl+c then in ued ctrl+v), but as this adds a new actor you might want to remove the original one

this should help at least some of these online not working scripts, but might effect bandwith usage in some way, if used too often :| (just an ugly hack, you could say \o/)

btw: you might need to also add
but i'm totally not sure about that (just like anything else in this post :p) \o/
Last edited by Goldeneye on 14-10-2003 21:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ars3h »

thats the kind of maps we need, you r teh pwn
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Post by DavidM »

didnt read anything here

I'd push the pillars into the wall, so no obstacles in your way, a clean gameplay.
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Post by Axl »

so its db-cube which has been themed :/
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Post by Messy »

Themed DB-Cube wouldnt be bad Axl ^^; anyway..

Gdgd Rage, refreshing and almost as clean to play in as cube i can imagine. No idea why no1 else has never thought of this :p Which is the case with most good idea so yay! =) (altho it's not really new looking at other games but..mehhh).

As for the boing messages, that would be nice if it's gone fast and it has cool animations ^^; (like zooming in and dissapearing fast, it makes the animation 'boingish' too, plus it's vital for it to dissapear fast for it not to be annoying =))

One more question, can any1 predict how the boing thing will look during replays? Maybe try testing it with the beta :)

A last suggestion (well i did say it was only one more question ;)), can u change the ball in the map or summit so it would look more cartoonish? Could be another fun gimmick :D
Last edited by Messy on 10-10-2003 16:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

Messy wrote:
A last suggestion (well i did said it was only one more question ;)), can u change the ball in the map or summit so it would look more cartoonish? Could be another fun gimmick :D

Already had a suggestion off r3l!k, a new model, looking like a black bomb :-
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Post by Messy »

Nice! =D Would it go boomboom @ goal event? ;)

Write ACME on it..duh :D

edit: just noticed my last suggestion was actually a question too ^^; uupsh =( What do i have to do to make it up to you? >_<
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

well done the model.. the fuse needs some textureing... and gotta redo the bomb texture to say ACME on :p

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Post by Messy »

<3 Rage

Can't u make the fuse burn tho? :p
gg gg ^_^ do try n make this map perfect :D