In fact, I have only ever helped you...
I disagreed once with u about DM just being random and lacking in tactics...u called me a 'tard then, and again now...
Cos I'm right and u can't think of a valid argument??
Do you think English football teams would want to play in a league run by Alex Fergeson (sp?)
/me fails to find mention of DavidM in this post....
DavidM wrote:
I got the thing rolling in the beginning, now I don't do anything in the league
There are others who make the decisions and they play for teams too -_-
^^is this your valid argument????
'cos if u ask me it just makes my original point stronger...
how about NO league admins that play in the league????
gizmo, as u can see davidm suffers from a superiority complex. anyone who says something contrary to what he thinks doesnt know what they are talking about.
So they were right? I make all rules for the league, I admin it, I bend it to my favour.
Ya NaB, start thinking..... o_0
No player knows anything about the league they are playing in it seems...
arguements aren't your strong point Davidm you should just admit it and just say "I am going to do what i want so fux you if you want something different" cuz that basically what you normally do.. unless you have some bizzar poll or ideas that some huge major of the db community That is hiding in the shadows and I don't seem to know about wants something. <------not an insult just what i see as reality if you find fault with my preception well then shit happends we all see the world differently