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Posted: 01-10-2003 01:37
by Catalyst88
[V3]Cajubski wrote: they owned div 3, thats why they went straight into div 1, and they stayed good, mmh, like DeeZ owning the 3rd div...div 1 next season maybe....:devil:

Oh god i hope not :)

Posted: 01-10-2003 02:52
by Fallen
stfu khush, just stay in net where we put u and save balls instead of missing 31232451 1v1 cuz you can't score! :devil:

Posted: 01-10-2003 02:54
by Fallen
aov is like the best euro team like v3 was once or still is for the na community as the best squad. even though ill get flamed by some of my community buddies, you have to understand that alot has changed with ns changing faces, rush getting more people, and we losing key players like venom, gnomeh, and xelent (kinda).

Posted: 01-10-2003 05:45
by Golde[nG]un
div3 this season and the div3 before isnt the same...

Posted: 01-10-2003 08:06
by Catalyst88
Fallen wrote: aov is like the best euro team like v3 was once or still is for the na community as the best squad. even though ill get flamed by some of my community buddies, you have to understand that alot has changed with ns changing faces, rush getting more people, and we losing key players like venom, gnomeh, and xelent (kinda).

Except without all the attitude problems (which I see with DeeZ.. can't you guys like, act like normal human beings? Okay, maybe not everyone but still, it's not a great reflection on the clan. That goes for quite a few clans). And the over-reliance on cheap tricks... although I think cY pink beat you guys to that. (And, tbh, most of the top clans who played 1.6 :confused: )

Err, </rant>

Posted: 01-10-2003 13:45
by Cenotaph
omg AoV pwns ur asses bad

well, i admit that they played a lot better when i was part of AoV :p

Posted: 01-10-2003 14:48
by Achilles
:o khush u cunt u got like 3 pointz lead @ us gg own?:ban:

Posted: 01-10-2003 15:21
by Sixty
[V3]Cajubski wrote: they owned div 3, thats why they went straight into div 1, and they stayed good, mmh, like DeeZ owning the 3rd div...div 1 next season maybe....:devil:

Erm, for yur info, DeeZ did not "own" Div3 kthx ><
I dont call 5 points difference at Fß at the end of a seazon pwning kthx:devil:

Posted: 01-10-2003 17:15
by Instigator
oi, this is about aov not div 3 "kthx" :D

Posted: 01-10-2003 18:18
by GazMaN

AoV sux!!!

hows that?

Posted: 01-10-2003 23:40
by Cenotaph
hows that?

thats the truth :p

Posted: 02-10-2003 21:35
by Fallen
Catalyst88 wrote: Except without all the attitude problems (which I see with DeeZ.. can't you guys like, act like normal human beings? Okay, maybe not everyone but still, it's not a great reflection on the clan. That goes for quite a few clans). And the over-reliance on cheap tricks... although I think cY pink beat you guys to that. (And, tbh, most of the top clans who played 1.6 :confused: )

Err, </rant>

Actually, we have always had the attitude problem. It comes from the fact that V3 was created from the rejects that didn't get a chance for a tryout for the big clans in NA. We started out as a couple of guys who were rejected and had no respect. Hatred arised and thus our attitudes usually don't change from the beginning. When we first started, we played a 2-2 system with passing and hard work to get a goal.

In 1.6, we tried a 3-1 system and worked better to overpower the defense while retaining the good passing. We then played against some europeans teams like tezc and cy13. Disgusted that we were pounded alittle by the creator's team and their cheap boost goal, we showed them, they weren't the only ones who could do it. Thus, this resulted in mainly our number one offensive stratedgy for the version.

If you actually played against us alot, you would relize that we are good hammer whores who know how to get free in the offensive zone. People like fooman who are ignorant assholes tend to stick with one impression of play because they hasn't really played us consistenly.

1.7 came along, boost goal diminished, but there were ways around it.

1.7b or 1.8 is now, we are weaker, yet still alive, we are trying to have the once fun we had when we were new, trying to prove to everyone that we are great.

Early on, our motivation was to become respected as a good clan, not for the attitudes we bring to the field. We really don't care if you hate us, but if our skills are good to win, that's what we do.

We spam, we fuck, we whore, we cheap stuff, etc. Some may say, win at any cost, yes, it's true. That was all the old ways of the clan of the old days. The cheap shit is still around because when the bug happens, we score, and then its our fault because the enemy can't spam, bug bug bug. Yet, when that happens on us, we brush it off alittle and go on. Well thats my perspective on it.

Posted: 02-10-2003 22:55
by Axl
then played against some europeans teams like tezc and cy13
afaik TEZC only played RusH from NA

Posted: 03-10-2003 00:07
by Catalyst88
DEUS played V3 tonight, I have to say I was actually impressed by the attitude they showed. They didn't complain as much as I have seen about lag, they didn't intentionally attempt and of the lame tricks (okay, perhaps one goal was slightly but that was only one). Plus V3 have Imaginos (who's a great bloke :) ). The only thing I've been annoyed with lately is the whole DeeZ thing.

Posted: 03-10-2003 01:35
by DavidM
I heard the really annoying persons from V3 have left DB already.