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Posted: 01-09-2003 14:07
by BL44T

Posted: 01-09-2003 14:22
by DavidM
no health msg needed

the health number in your beacon sez it all, and in 1.9 it will appear red if its below

Posted: 01-09-2003 15:24
by RaGe|DB
DavidM wrote: no health msg needed

the health number in your beacon sez it all, and in 1.9 it will appear red if its below

but others will tend to pass u when u got 40 Hp or sumthing.
this way u can inform ur Teammates with ur HP status

Posted: 01-09-2003 16:13
by DavidM
you forget something, you have no time to read this stuff...
especiallly pub players....

my teammates keep spamming their boost bind, but I never read it anyway
you just need to learn to get along without it, cause it doesn't really help anyway

Posted: 01-09-2003 16:22
by RaGe|DB
DavidM wrote: you forget something, you have no time to read this stuff...
especiallly pub players....

my teammates keep spamming their boost bind, but I never read it anyway
you just need to learn to get along without it, cause it doesn't really help anyway

maybe a tactic say? like somewhere else then normal say

like u said urself " U gotta learn how to use the middle radar "
this is the same

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:29
by Diab
*notes the shortcuts down*

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:53
by Lysdexic Mokney
DavidM wrote: no health msg needed

the health number in your beacon sez it all, and in 1.9 it will appear red if its below

uhmm... the number itself will become red or the beacon?

surely that would look strange?

Posted: 01-09-2003 19:06
by Axl
DavidM wrote: you forget something, you have no time to read this stuff...
especiallly pub players....

my teammates keep spamming their boost bind, but I never read it anyway
you just need to learn to get along without it, cause it doesn't really help anyway

awww, i guess not everyone in deathball have gotten past the "spell out each word to try n read it" stage of their lives.. :p

Posted: 01-09-2003 19:58
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
o/ axl

meh, i dont read them either, just dont *feel* i have time for it...
I'm much to concentrated on everything else to read.

Besides, what's the point of practice and experience (as a team or individual) if u have to read when to boost or get boosted?

Posted: 01-09-2003 20:07
by gutterflower
how about a DONT pass to me icon hmm?
i mean flashing or not people will pass to you if they think you're open. Why not be able to turn your icon target thingy over your head, ermm counter? wtf is it called. into a big red cross

Posted: 01-09-2003 20:09
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Or just use the button to remove the lock so ppl cant lock on to u :o

Y wud u not want to get passed to if ur in a good position and open ?

To fuck up the game..that's y ^^; (not aimed at u btw fizz :p)

Posted: 01-09-2003 20:57
by NaB
i asked for "dont pass" back in 1.3

got shot down

Posted: 01-09-2003 21:03
by gutterflower
no lock is bad it will cause lots of failed shots into nothing because people turn orund and pass fast. but a big red cross would be useful if you are covered by a defender where you CAN recieve a pass but recieving will cause you to be killed..

Posted: 01-09-2003 21:37
by RaGe|DB
thats why i got >>-- Be carefull with passingg, hp : %hp -- <<

Posted: 01-09-2003 21:53
by DavidM
phew, boost me, let me boost you, pass, dont pass me.....
is it not getting too much? :/
it wont FFA anyway, and real teams know when to pass and when not, they don't really need it