idea: shooting innacuracy

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Post by theberkin8or »

rage... of course you are scoring in shot is horrible right (working on geting it back) and i score in pub(albeta less than i would b4 i left)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

yar, but i do in pickups >_<
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Post by beefsack »

pubs tend to = noob keepers :/

i dont think shots should be more powerful than volleys, i think the ideal situation would be to have them equal speed. i think they are as difficult to pull off as each other. normal shots you might get hit while charging but they can be aimed more easily and can have curve. volleys require more spontaneous thinking but are harder to pick than normal shots for the i am sick of volley whores, as i have already stated :p
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Post by Surge »

vollies are already effecting because of misdirection and quickness more than power. Making shots more powerful would give you a reason to shoot.

That or remove OC, make people run slower while charging, and let you fire off maxxed shots easier.
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Post by HerbalTea »

OMG DavidM, did you read that?

Surge actually made a great point!!!

Making shots more powerful would give you a reason to shoot. There by reducing the volley whoring!

Played 2 pugs in a row today and about 80% of the goals scored were boost vollies. F'in sux.
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Post by Surge »

Shake should be used more as a delay IMO. When you get hit with a shake, your gun should suspend its charge, your screen goes crazy, then you regain control, begin charging where you left off, and get off a clean shot.

This makes it so you'll have to dodge at least 1 hammer shot to get off a good charge (because of the short 1.2 second delay).

Shake should work by making your screen look randomly moving the reticle with it so the shake shot can be at least "controlable" if you let go of the shot while shaking.

so basically, the shooter starts charging and gets hit at 80% charge. The shooter can now take a less accurate shake shot at the net with the same ammount of charge he had when struck by the hammer. The reticle will move randomly within a circle the size of the vicinity radar circle but will be mildly controlable by the shooter (sort of like kickback in FPS games), OR he can wait through the shake, and take a more powerful more accurate shot but risk overcharging.
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Post by HerbalTea »

thus making the shake more of an actual shanke
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Post by Diab »

making shots more powerful would really really be to easy to score with. then matches would be 30-40 what sucks :/
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Then lower volleh power :|
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Balancing shot and volley is great..but if u balance it by making shot more powerfull, then ur forgetting the balancing of defense and offense O_o

This way attackers will be hugely overpowered.
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Post by Armagon »

I think the shot power is fine the way it is. I can still score plenty, as long as I make good shots.
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Post by Inphidel »

Thats a good point.

But most FPS games the shake is only illusionary. your still always aiming at the same place because your screen recenters. now if you make it actually turn your player. that would be somthing I could agree with. I say make the gun empty its charge and start over tho. or drop by like 80% of its current charge. to allow defense a chance to still kill the player if they don't just throw the ball away or switch to a pass.

I do think some kind of shake is nessasary to the game balance mechanics but have found it sorta 'funny' when a player gets hit walks a few steps takes aim and still fires a crazy ball
Surge wrote: Shake should be used more as a delay IMO. When you get hit with a shake, your gun should suspend its charge, your screen goes crazy, then you regain control, begin charging where you left off, and get off a clean shot.

This makes it so you'll have to dodge at least 1 hammer shot to get off a good charge (because of the short 1.2 second delay).

Shake should work by making your screen look randomly moving the reticle with it so the shake shot can be at least "controlable" if you let go of the shot while shaking.

so basically, the shooter starts charging and gets hit at 80% charge. The shooter can now take a less accurate shake shot at the net with the same ammount of charge he had when struck by the hammer. The reticle will move randomly within a circle the size of the vicinity radar circle but will be mildly controlable by the shooter (sort of like kickback in FPS games), OR he can wait through the shake, and take a more powerful more accurate shot but risk overcharging.
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Post by Diab »

hmm, unreal can torare its view (like if you die and spawn back instantly the camera rotate-shakes left and right a few times), why not give that effect when hit with a hammer? you could still have the half power unaccurate hot like you do at the moment for a set time but the camera is also rotating all over the shit so its harder to do anything and next thing you know you are dead :P

..thinking about it, does it rarate already but really small when hit? i cant think. i dont think it does.
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Post by beefsack »

Armagon wrote: I think the shot power is fine the way it is. I can still score plenty, as long as I make good shots.

lol you never have to score against potato cos hes on your team :p
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Post by YoYo789 »

Diab wrote: hmm, unreal can torare its view (like if you die and spawn back instantly the camera rotate-shakes left and right a few times), why not give that effect when hit with a hammer? you could still have the half power unaccurate hot like you do at the moment for a set time but the camera is also rotating all over the shit so its harder to do anything and next thing you know you are dead :P

..thinking about it, does it rarate already but really small when hit? i cant think. i dont think it does.
dare i ask what "torate" and "rarate" are?

:p jk