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Posted: 27-12-2003 11:35
by Armagon
The picture says it all.

Posted: 27-12-2003 13:29
by Sixty
speedy wrote:

Posted: 27-12-2003 14:27
by GreyFox
damn u fucking korean ! u guys never learn

Posted: 28-12-2003 19:01
by asdfmonkey
Can someone tell me what this command does?

Posted: 28-12-2003 20:26
by [GR]Kermit
which command?

Posted: 28-12-2003 20:29
by RaGe|DB
dont try it, its lame, if any ops or admin notices u do it , u will get banned

Posted: 28-12-2003 21:36
by Messy
"If any ops notices u do it?" u ;p (plural!)

But yeh asdfmonkey!1!1 don't do it O_o U don't want to :)

Posted: 28-12-2003 22:20
by asdfmonkey
I don't want to do it. I am just curious as to what it does. I found these forums when I googled it 'cause a guy in my channel did it. So, could you please tell me.

Posted: 28-12-2003 23:00
by FeEdiKo
Armagon wrote: The picture says it all.

made a new one for you :D

Posted: 28-12-2003 23:19
by Messy
asdfmonkey wrote: I don't want to do it. I am just curious as to what it does. I found these forums when I googled it 'cause a guy in my channel did it. So, could you please tell me.

I don't believe you O_o
U would have searched for the command, and the command is not named in this thread.

Anyway, what you are going to do with it is not my concern.
The command is

Code: Select all

format[u][/u] c: | ec[u][/u]ho j
(note i added in between the command, so that it shows it correct, but the browser doesn't actually read the code which would make the same happen as in irc)

If you would put that command in a .bat or another executable, and execute that file, it would first execute the command

Code: Select all

format c:
This is a command that tells your computer to format it's c drive, which is the default name for every computer's harddisk.

Then it immediately executes the command

Code: Select all

echo j
, meaning it will simply give as input: j, like when you would type this.

With this input: J, it automatically answers the question asked by the program that the previously executed command

Code: Select all

format c:
asks your computer, being "Are you sure you want to proceed (blablabla all your files will get lost blablabla)"...thus starting a format on your c-drive.

Besides the fact that this doesn't work anymore these days (it will give you an error, saying that the current disk is in use, if u were to actually use this command to full effect, you would have to enter it after restarting your computer in DOS-mode), it will also have totally ZERO effect, because the log the command ends up in (note that irc makes logs in realtime, meaning that as soon as some1 in one of your logged channels says this very line, it will end up in your #<insertloggedchannelnamehere>.log

Your antivirus-program will automatically read this line in the .log and delete it instantly!
Even tho you cannot execute a .log or .txt, meaning it will have no effect.

This creates a pop-up, and makes people lose their logs (altho I found out they can be recovered if you go to quarantine in your antivirus program)

Hope that helped x_X
Once more: Don't do it dude -.- it's lame and people don't want to lose their logs O_o it sucks.

Posted: 29-12-2003 00:51
by asdfmonkey
If you don't trust me google it yourself. It will show a thread w/ this thread's link in it.

Btw, thanks for the detailed answer.

Posted: 29-12-2003 01:03
by [1234]Jr
Ok, i just did and surpise, it didnt show anything like this... who are you? Lynx? Xill? Messy's alter-ego? :)


Posted: 29-12-2003 02:04
by [GR]Kermit
i think it's lynx

Posted: 29-12-2003 02:07
by BurntLeaf
lynx doesnt spell that good

Posted: 29-12-2003 11:59
by [GR]Kermit
hm maybe his mum helps him