NA DB Reborn?

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by f1end »

Can I just say "BRING BACK TEH DRIBBLE!!!!!1"?....NO?...well...2 late
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Post by gnomeh »

I don't want it to come back, I'm actually waiting it for it to die
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Post by HerbalTea »

YoYo789 wrote: i think I should point out that we just started a new clan in Aus (with 5 new ppl, and 2 from existing clans).

Aus community is growing, albeit slowly, and the only real difference between Aus and NA is the community. The Australian community is friendly and welcoming of n00bs.

I don't know where the F&@# you have been but you haven't meet alot of the NA clans/players. I have always found that euros are meanist, though I'm not trash talking here cause I have alot of euro friends.

There are about 5 pricks in the NA community but generally everyone is cool. TFO and UFO are like the nicest people in the community.

btw YoYo, you should come visit we have about 5 aussie members (and 3 of them are girls, oooooooooh)

/Bodom any help you need, come talk to me.
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Deacan Sharp
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

herbal tea i have your avatar as a big poster in my bedroom:P
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Post by HerbalTea »

i have teh girl in your avvy in my bed!!!
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Post by f1end »

That 2 timing biatch!!!!
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Post by Bodom »

Surge, stop turning this into another you vs. DavidM thread, it's been done...many...many times.
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Post by GazMaN »

and bored me many many times!

if you h8 the maker of the game and say hes ruining it, why you here?

go play a top quality mod that has a well intentioned team, which is fun to play.

I know for one if i didnt like a game i wouldnt post 9 billion word posts abot it in the forum O_o
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Post by devnull »

i just have a couple things to say...\
1. Surgew stfu and move on ...get over it
2. i will be starting a new site for NA DB players if it works or not os one thing but just to have it i think will help bring some of the community closer...i know we have these forums but alot of people in the NA doesn`t wanna waste there time using these forums...they want something more like what DBC i will try again to get something like that going
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Post by Orbitul »

Dev, please do, that would be sweet. Bodom's idea is good and we should try to get the word out. I know i found out about DB from the INA forums and every once in a while a thread opens about it, so if we are there showing a lot of interest and speaking positive about it, people will surely try it. Beyondunreal forums would be a good spot too.

One thing we will have to do, which pains me some as well, is show up in some public servers every once in a while. Even if we get the word out and people try it they won't come back unless they can play it somewhat regularly in a public server. I noticed that the V3 server was actually pretty populated over the weekend so maybe we can keep that going.

If need be i will upgrade our server to public so we have another place to play.
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Post by Bodom »

Thanks Dev, a new DBC would be awesome.
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Post by uberslacker »

:p duh
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Post by Imaginos »

Make it so.
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Post by InSaNe »

But don't let 13th admin it I don't want to get another ban :D

While Bodoms idea is superb we need to get a reality check. This games getting crappier by the moment. In NA that is but it would be hard to get some more people to play because other people have their own games to paly and their own lives to live about. I know soooooooooo many epople who play iDM and iCTF, if I can get them that would mean that the NA community would be 3x larger than the European community. That would be a boost but they like iCTF and iDM if only DavidM would listen to them and give into their demands this game would be so much better but no point of fighting ignorance. I say let it die no need for suffering anymore, no need to put up with crappy maker of this game, let it die it deserves to, like most people when halo2 comes out I'm just gonna say screw this shit. As do most people will :/.

Dev don't waste your time attempting to bring back another dbc, if you knwo this mod is dead don't waste your time spend some time with your daughter/son (I forgot doh) but let it die. Noobs will come if they want to.
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Post by Bodom »

Some of us still love playing this game, and don't let bad PR get us down.