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Posted: 28-07-2003 11:11
by Armagon
Nope I can't see anything wrong anywhere. All my old drivers have been removed. I have experimented with all the settings. So to sum it up, I STILL have no f***ing clue what's wrong here.

Posted: 28-07-2003 13:50
by Rens2Sea
When i had a GeForce 2 MX i didn't had a skybox.
Now i have a Ati Radeon 9700 Pro and the skybox works.
So it has to do something with the graphicscard O_o

Posted: 28-07-2003 13:54
by Fallen
blame rens2sea.....or bazzi, which every one you see fit to flame!

Posted: 28-07-2003 14:43
by Armagon
I blame neither Rens nor Bazzi (I appluad them). Before my Radeon 9700 went kaput I specced a tennis match and everything was fine. So I concur that it is the vid card. I just wanted to know if it was possible to fix it? It seems that the answer, is no.

Posted: 28-07-2003 23:08
by YoYo789
arma i'm sure if u join and ask most ppl will change to db for u.

Posted: 29-07-2003 02:10
by Armagon
All we need to do is to get TEN-RedPlanet on the server, and it won't be a problem. I wanna play tennis, it looks fun. :(

Posted: 29-07-2003 02:18
by gutterflower
why would you blame bazzi, he has NOTHING to do with the mod O_O hes just doing the league. and although rens codes its not his problem, its either goldeneyes or epics.

like i say armageddon, the problem IS caused by the speeometer in the stadium map as well as teh scoreboard in cube (highest details)

the next version of tennis will include an updated stadium anyway, so what im going to do is add the speedometer so that it only appears on high details, that way you wont get the error on low details :) . i will also try and get red planet onto at least one server for you

Posted: 29-07-2003 02:29
by YoYo789
he didn't blame bazzi.

it's armagon not armageddon :p

armagon is aussie, so its the australian server which needs to have redplanet, so nothing u can do about that, but i'm sure it will be done sometime soon.

Posted: 29-07-2003 02:32
by gutterflower
not him, v3 dude said blame rens or bazzi

Posted: 29-07-2003 02:32
by YoYo789
oh, right. sry. :o