IRC Channel for clanless!

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Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

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Post by Dazlin »

hmm yeh that seems like quite a good idea :)
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Posts: 139
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

I have to agree with what ppl have previously said, cant really see it working tbh. Would imagine that most ppl look at the teamlist on DBL, or CB Ladder, pick out a clan then idle in their IRC channel.

Can see things getting very spammy in their atm =/

GL tho worth a try
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Post by R3lo4d3D »

herbert was führst du auf??????

Post by Golde[nG]un »

/o\ halt mal die klappe du schwachkopf
Posts: 118
Joined: 19-03-2003 17:55

Post by Scorp »

O_o was solln der umgangston? O_0