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Posted: 10-07-2003 18:35
by Dazlin
im getting bored of surge pissing and moning and making crappy names up rofl ninja grap body volley O_o o_O ok i had my shout surge=pwned o_o O_O

Posted: 10-07-2003 19:31
by Catalyst88
At least he's being funny about it ;)

Posted: 10-07-2003 20:06
by Astroboy
and useful too!

people with fax machines can be sent a hardcopy of their STFU form. :lol:

Posted: 10-07-2003 23:05
by NaB
this is the only good post surge has ever made U_u

Posted: 10-07-2003 23:29
by CorDawg
Dazlin wrote: im getting bored of surge pissing and moning and making crappy names up rofl ninja grap body volley O_o o_O ok i had my shout surge=pwned o_o O_O

You = gay

Posted: 10-07-2003 23:37
by Khushdi
first time i laughed with davidm, instead of at him :lol:

Posted: 10-07-2003 23:45
by The_One
CorDawg wrote: You = gay

he doesn't sound happy. 0o

Posted: 11-07-2003 02:53
by DavidM
evil khushdi \o/

Posted: 11-07-2003 14:39
by |-F-|Prodigy
Surge>DavidM = PWNED

Posted: 11-07-2003 15:09
by DavidM
he's bigger than me? \o/

Posted: 11-07-2003 17:33
by FireCell
lol always something to chuckle about here \o/

Posted: 11-07-2003 20:35
by Dazlin
CorDawg wrote: You = gay

hmm i was pissed of that day ^_^ but i think you must put the gay in 'gay'mer

Posted: 11-07-2003 20:53
by Surge

Code: Select all

Standardized Bonehead Reply Form 
(check all boxes that apply) 

[ ] American         [X] Euro            [ ] Other
[ ] Loser            [ ] Clueless Newbie
[ ] "Nubcake"        [X] Annoying person
[ ] Freak            [X] Flamer
[X] Troller 
[ ] cY associate/Fanboi

I took exception to your recent: 
[ ] Post
[ ] Post regarding something I, David M, changed for no good reason
[ ] Post regarding bugs (instant ignore)
[X] Post regarding other members of this forum
[ ] Post attacking myself
[ ] Post asking for a huge change to gameplay
[ ] Post threatening to quit
[X] Fanboi Post
[ ] Whining Post

It was (check all that apply): 
[X] Lame         [X] Stupid       [X] Abusive
[ ] Clueless     [X] Idiotic      [ ] Brain-damaged
[ ] Imbecilic    [X] Arrogant     [ ] Malevolent
[ ] Contemptible [ ] Libelous     [X] Ignorant
[X] Retarded     [ ] Embellished  [ ] Fundamentalist
[ ] Boring       [ ] Dim          [X] Cowardly
[ ] Deceitful    [ ] Demented     [ ] Self-righteous
[ ] Crazy        [ ] Weird        [ ] Hypocritical
[ ] Loathsome    [ ] Despicable
[X] Belligerent  [X] Mind-numbing [ ] Maladroit
[ ] Much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable. 

Your attention is drawn to the fact that: 
[ ] Nobody cares if you quit playing
[ ] Nobody cares if you start playing a different game
[ ] Nobody wants to hear you whine anymore
[ ] Nobody cares if you are comparing the game to:
    - FIFA 2002
    - FIFA 2003
    - NHL*
    - Wayne Gretzky's 3D anything
    - Some other random sports title
    - a pervious DB version
[X] You posted something totally uninteresting
[X] I don't like your tone of post
[ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[X] You continued spreading a long stupid thread
[X] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it 
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[X] You posted low-IQ flamebait
[X] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[X] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[X] You make no sense
[X] Your sig/alias is dreadful
[ ] You must have spent your life in a cave to be this clueless.
[ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k0OL
[ ] You posted a message written in ALL CAPS
[X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of this forum.
[X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet.
[X] You are a loser.
[X] This has been pointed out to you before.
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed on general principles. 
[ ] You do not make this game

It is recommended that you: 
[ ] Get a clue
[X] Get a life
[X] Go away
[ ] Grow up
[ ] Never post again
[ ] stop reading Deathball Forums and go play or something
[ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Have your medication adjusted
[X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] find a volcano and throw yourself in
[ ] get a gun and shoot yourself
[ ] actually post something relevant
[ ] Apologize to everybody that reads this
[X] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing 
[ ] Go make your own damn game

In Closing, I'd Like to Say: 
[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[X] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] *plonk*
[X] Learn how to post
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form.

Posted: 11-07-2003 21:01
by Catalyst88
I can see this becoming somewhat of a forum standard ;)

Posted: 11-07-2003 21:17
by Heretic
this "forum" shouold be the frist thing everyone posts in a new thread so their honest opinon shows! :D