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Posted: 07-07-2003 17:34
by f1end
Thanx for volunteering for me...u can suck davidm's cock...and i'll make the video


Posted: 07-07-2003 21:17
by FAT('.')BOY
I wondered if you were the same mach from TO.

What u say about noobs treatment and vollying is mainly true and having several cube maps is a bit odd. Though funnily enough one of the most popular servers only plays cube. A bit like rapids only servers i spose =) the beuty is in its simplicity.

Personaly I play on november whenever possible because passing counts for a lot there and volleys take some skill.

Posted: 08-07-2003 01:39
by MachDelta
Thanks for the responses everyone! :D

And yeah Fat Boy, its me... the one and apparently only MD ;)

I guess I should slightly clarify my opinion on volleying. Its not that I hate it or think it shouldn't be a part of the game... its just that, well, its the ONLY move anyone tries. Especially on really crappy maps like SmallCube. Ever see a goaltender fire a ball the length of the arena, dodge jump out of his crease, quad into the air, and volley the ball into the opposing net? Happened just the other night.
Yeah, ok, its skillfull and l33t, but its also a little ridiculous. With a little practice its obviously very easy to set yourself up for a volley shot - maybe even too easy. Or perhaps theres just not enough incentive to use a regular shot in most situations. Face it... a normal shot travels far too slow to blast by any decent goalkeeper. It also takes a second or two to power up, during which time you will conveniently have your ass pounded into the turf by any/all nearby defenders. And hell, you can't even aim the thing at full blast, so whats the point? All a normal shot becomes at that point is a precursor to a volley shot!
So what I think i'm trying to say, is that athough volleys are cool and look great and are awesome to score off of... but someones got to figure out a way to keep the volley spam down (preferably to the point where those "AMAZING VOLLEY BY..." messages actually mean someone just pulled something l33t), and increase the normal shot spam. Maybe give power shots a faster velocity, less inaccuracy, and then top it all off with a reduced volley/catch radius? (C'mon - whats easier to catch IRL? A gentle lob off a nearby wall, or a 90mph fastball headed right past your ear? :D ) But whatever. I really don't want to be making too many suggestions before I feel I know the game well enough. ;)

Anywho. Thanks again!

(PS: Yeah, I noticed Euros are nicer in general too. But they're also hard to compete with at 215ms latency :eek: )

Posted: 08-07-2003 01:48
by DavidM
"I noticed Euros are nicer in general too. "

so it's not only V3? :/

Posted: 08-07-2003 03:01
by Alars
Alars wrote: yeah i agree volleys are too powerful - and they ARE over-used.

this is why i propose to reduce keeper volley latency to 0.15 seconds and make volley power in enemy goal ***THIRD*** (yes thats right third ), a value of 1750 and to make the normal shot power 1750 as well. The purpose of volley should be to redirect the ball. Imho this will reduce the amount of volley shots...and for the volley only server option: keep values as is...


Just making sure you realise that I'm suggesting DB maps be split into thirds and not halves.....each third having the appropriate value for things like volley power, volley radius, boost power etc.


Posted: 08-07-2003 05:57
by MachDelta
V3? I missed something o_O

Posted: 08-07-2003 10:21
by Catalyst88
Heh, it's very possible to score normal shots on a regular basis, I've been doing it since DB first came out ;). I agree that people need more patience :). Better bot support might be nice, but the problem is it gets a bit complex to program... hrm.

Posted: 08-07-2003 10:46
by f1end
The main other problem i have seen is that most of the good clanned players, after playing a pick-up or a match or whatever, where they can't just set themselves up easily, and have to work hard for the space to volley or shoot...then go on a public server, where they can "p0wn" all the n00bs single handedly, by setting up volleys off the back wall...Then all the n00bs, having seen this "1337" volley, proceed to try and do it themselves, resulting in a vast amount of badly aimed, out of control, volley-spam.

Posted: 08-07-2003 11:44
by Maegrim
same here cata :/

Posted: 08-07-2003 12:29
by Fallen
DavidM wrote: "I noticed Euros are nicer in general too. "

so it's not only V3? :/
:ban: What the fuck, do we ever talk to you david? It's only me on the qnet server usually when I come in a talk to bazzi on the league channel. Don't stereotype us because of one or two people in our clan who have the intellienge of a dog (*I can't think of a really stupid animal). We are usually not rude and if you spend some time on PGP, you would know that.

Nevertheless, this is why the mod is so shit, there should be better bot support. However, it is prolly very hard to code. Why not make a introduction movie for the mod showing the ropes. Atleast this would make the bridge between new-comers to average player and elite players closer. It is very hard to get into a mod like this. Something like TacOps is easy because you just shoot and kill. This mod's gameplay is pretty complex but certain aspect of being n00b friendly have to be an issue for you guys. Sooner or later, even you european players will bore of this game and have a life again. It's happen to the American side. Why no new person jions? Bad publicity; Average bot support; No way of teaching n00bs how to play and relying on the patience of others to teach them; etc.

By the way, I'm commenting on the V3 issue. Okay, we have a fucking big ego, we are one the best teams on the american side. Some have stated we are one of the best teams of the mod, pings regardless.

List of people in the V3 clan:
Bodom - He isn't around as much as usual so I cannot comment
Xelent - Believes he is the best in deathball, I think so too, but he has a american attitude and you cannot change it.
Sin - Bitch! Don't listen to this guy, we think he is spanish and cannot speak proper english.
Incubus - Rarely see him talk on Irc, nice person, great keep.
Meaty - Never see him, still part of the clan, he is an adult.
Imaginos - Adult, has nice things to say, sometimes valid points on the forum.
Bullet - Am I not nice, cmon! :D
Gnomeh - Good guy, amazing keep, he has good things to critize about the keeping topics.
Optimal - Back from Planetside, good to talk to.
Venom - See above beside Xelent's comment.
Cordawg - From canada, should be nice, stupid at times.
Chevy - No comment on this guy, we have yet to see his true nature.
Insane - Not Sane! Still a good guy when he wants to be.

*Note* - Surge is on SOP not V3

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:04
by DavidM
get surge \o/

dunno, but we had 5-6 v3 kids there going crazy, just ridiculous :/

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:12
by Fallen
You must have double-vision becuase I was there too and only saw 2-3 V3 kids. Mainly you saw ven0m, he was the one changing his ip after getting banned.

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:14
by Fallen
David, any thoughts to shorten the bridge between n00bs and clanners? As I stated before, its very hard to get into a mod like this without getting flamed in a server where you don't know what you are doing.

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:26
by Diab
thats the players fault for calling out n00b ingame. this morning as i waited for a slot to join a game (so i was spec) some guy was there and players were saying "don't pass to him, n00b" and all that crap, when the next game started he scored half the goals and got called a camper. :/

its not davids fault you lot slag off new players who need to learn, give them a game or two before then so they can work out the rules, and to loose in a pub is to loose nothing.

Posted: 08-07-2003 14:58
by TEZC_Robban
Fallen wrote:
List of people in the V3 clan:
Bodom - He isn't around as much as usual so I cannot comment
Xelent - Believes he is the best in deathball, I think so too, but he has a american attitude and you cannot change it.
Sin - Bitch! Don't listen to this guy, we think he is spanish and cannot speak proper english.
Incubus - Rarely see him talk on Irc, nice person, great keep.
Meaty - Never see him, still part of the clan, he is an adult.
Imaginos - Adult, has nice things to say, sometimes valid points on the forum.
Bullet - Am I not nice, cmon! :D
Gnomeh - Good guy, amazing keep, he has good things to critize about the keeping topics.
Optimal - Back from Planetside, good to talk to.
Venom - See above beside Xelent's comment.
Cordawg - From canada, should be nice, stupid at times.
Chevy - No comment on this guy, we have yet to see his true nature.
Insane - Not Sane! Still a good guy when he wants to be.

What does that have to do with anything ? not to be rude but, who cares ? :/