Dribbles + Quadjump mut would be better...

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Post by vF_Zonk »

that's what you can currently do, kinda
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Post by The_One »

yeah, but u can't really get any height with it.
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Post by theberkin8or »

lol the one why on earth would you dribble if you went slower?
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Post by The_One »

to dribble around people.
did u miss the pointless bit?
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Post by Robotojon »

theberkin8or wrote:
compare how fast a defender in soccer can close in on a equally fast O player, and you will see it isn't nearly as fast as you can in db

thats casue the soccer player isnt "carrying" the ball. If you want to out run the defender, launch the ball (like a striker would kick) in front of you, and after the initial slow moment you can run as fast as him anyway.
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Post by Alars »

bring back dribble - I'm was never a dribbler and probably never will be but can't the effect of the attacker moving faster because of dribbling just be blamed on bad defense? On other occasions , DavidM has made changes to the mod that people don't totally agree with and he has said something like: "The change(s) that are made here OR the ability to do this now is only because of bad defense"

I SWEAR i have seen him post this regarding a different change, but if im wrong about that - then I'm right about this...

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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

I would agree to certain muts etc. ^^; just for fun and major abuse :)
Altho it will totally kill the concept of teamplay.... at least ppl will stop whining ^^;

Any extra option i will use is good imo (duh), as long as u dont put it behind offsides again :p (i really need offsides now :'( pleeeaaase, it was announced even before sprinting and probably long-forgotten).

/me cheers for bananavolleysdribblingbroomstickandbodyvolley
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Post by Surge »

DavidM wrote: 15 % would love dribbling back, 85% would be whining if it came back
so what do I do? 0_o

your the only one whining here... your ego must make up for the other 84%
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Post by beefsack »

no matter what is changed, there will always be 85% whiners :/

ps i would be no1 whiner if dribbling would be put back in...
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Post by Fallen »

beef prolly was the one who was getting beat every time...

imo, the game is so team-oriented, that even if ur one on one wif a defender, the defense usually backs up now, and either waits to gib u in the pbox, or block it. in 1.6, there was more freedom, and u could shoot past most defender with a good aimed shot and past the keep. While you are celebrating, the other team's keep is flaming his defender, why you block my view. It's the other way now, its now much easier for me to grab the ball. I think the hit box/catch box is the same for the defender and keeper. *in the pbox*

Now, if you shoot, and if the ball so how is near your body, you will suck it in.

I can still live wifout the dribbling, but some changes need to be made to bring back the individualism of the mod.

Now its all about, position, getting the pass thru the defenders, and hoping you can hit that top corner. Btw, i dont see much keepers jumping out to get those balls, seems to me that the power ratio of the shot is up, and the volley power is alot higher.

I thought that getting max power in the volley is suppose to be harder, but in the game, its very easy to accomplish. David, if you actually read this, which I think you prolly will, maybe look into this.
Last edited by Fallen on 06-07-2003 05:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surge »

I, honest to god, never heard 1 NA player complain about dribble other than a simple "thats not really fair" now and then but realistically, if you get past all the defense you shouldnt have to risk throwing it at the back wall... especially since the keeper now has the ability to quad jump.

I used to dribble, sure. would i mess it up sometimes? yup. Would i get pegged and lose the ball sometimes? for sure. Your actually more vulnurable if you get whacked while dribbling because the opponent gets the ball, you have less defenders than if you would have gotten killed, and you are in no position to attack the ball carrier because you get hit away from the ball.

DB is about forward progression... moving upfield effectivly. Dribble was good for this, not just for attackers, but sped the whole process up and drew attention to the ball carrier and left attackers open in some cases. This was more of a team aspect than anything. What abou tfeeding the ball to a player than can dribble well to score. Thats teamwork. You cant go ALL the way up the field solo unless you got some mad hax on.

So I ask, whats the reason it was taken out? "Because it was a bug" even tho it caused no EXTREMELY dramatic impact to gameplay, didnt cause server crashes, didnt let you shoot the ball at volley power in less time than a regular shot (which is what the "fix" caused), and wasnt an extremely simple manuver like the boost trick that cY abused and is still abusable today in a different form.

Don't blame me for wanting dribble back, but there was no initial justification for its removal other than "because it was a bug". If this is the case why cant we play custom maps in the league? David's pyro-happy cube bugs me and its still there. Dribble was the counter to Pbox camping because you could beat the defender before he could back peddle. We lost dribble but the D can still camp? The removal of dribble had a bigger ripple effect than its existance. The n00b-cannon was like an instant "I score" button when it first came out.. was dribble? not really in my estimation.

Point and case, removal of dribble was completely uncalled for, was not requested prior to its removal, and was used by all players, not just attackers. Its was an effective way to get past players, and was the ONLY way to do it besides passing the ball, which sometimes isnt an option. Sure you can bounce it off a wall, grab it in the air and keep going but that requires a wall. Sure you can pull some shuffle move and confuse the defender to get past him but then what? he just catches up to you. A lot of people stopped having fun when dribble was removed becuase the game became too hard for offense and too skill-less on defense. Defense has the ability to kill the attacker, make his shot go off-target, and kill him w/o him even having the ball. The attacker doesnt even have any options to get past a defender besides pass... Go play any hockey game on the market and theres a "spin" option to get past on comming players. Dribble was DB's spin button... it was the riskier, alternative to passing. the operatove word there is riskier, meaning it wasnt an "i win" move like the boost trick. It isnt an "i'm skill-less" tactic like the pbox camper.

If your going to keep dribble removed at least give us a better resoning than "its a bug".

edit: if you dont want to read it all, dont be an assclown and post something completely irrelavent.
Last edited by Surge on 06-07-2003 06:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fruitcake »

i think david m said that dribbling was abused as ppl werent passing and u could basically move at the speed pf sum1 without the ball
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Post by Surge »

so whats the bad in that? if your moving upfield defenders should be in your way anyways. If they're not then its their fault and you SHOULD score or at least get a shot away at the net. Althogh it would premote Pbox camping, it would also bring a purpose to spinting... Resricting the ball carrier to not being able to sprint but being able to dribble would HUGELY change the game and probably eliminate Pbox camping and bring back good 'ol fassion man-to-man defense.

In no other game is the ball carrier or puck handler speed nerfed like they are in DB. Maybe if they wern't people would actually use sprint on servers because it would instantly become easier to play defense and be effective on offense.
Last edited by Surge on 06-07-2003 20:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

we need a mut for that \o\
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

wow rage has finally got the point (o/