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Posted: 03-07-2003 09:44
by nameless
i woulnd t mind if curve stays at it was before. Tribun1.6 suxx ass. Not because of the size. Because of the small keeperzones. It was just a gay spam-whore-map. In my point of view making bigger zones would have been enough, but 1.6 itself sucked ass, so the new one is better than the old one at least. Icedemon needs bigger keeperzones too, perhaps smaller goals.

PS: I don t wanna attack the mappers, it s just a question of gameplay.

Posted: 03-07-2003 09:47
by Large Potato
The goals in Icedemon do seem a touch high...

Posted: 03-07-2003 10:34
by Harold|ZBN
vF_Zonk wrote: i never said it sholdnt be fixed

i said it's not popular

and you confirmed this - "but ZBN is the only 1 playing it"

aaaaaaaaah dont u see how stupid this is??? ZBN isnt the best team and we have an edge over our opponent by playing Curve.
last season we only won 3 of our matches ALL on curve. besides that WHY CHANGE IT IF ONLY ZBN PLAYS IT ANYWAY.

if heared NOT a single SENSIBLE ANSWER YET.

sofar its been like this:

"well since only ZBN used to play this map it doesnt really mather if its gets buggered up. i mean HAHAHAHA only ZBN will complain so i wont listen to them anyway."

i honestly cant believe this shit. u have a map and only 1 team plays it. and WHY IN GODSNAME did it need such drastic changes.

also, this been brought up before aswell. a league with 2/3 of the games on cube and 1/3 of the games on november gets a bit boring. if Davidm doesnt want ppl to play other maps why doesnt he make a new league rule: "all matches are to be played on DB-Cube." about 95 % of the maps played were nov and cube, in the first season. some clans played tribun a few times. and we USED to play curve, most of us hate it now.

AND PLEASE DONT SAY: "if u dont like it, dont play it."

the league is already started and the ONLY map we won ANY games on has been COMPLETELY CHANGED.

i know ive been spamming this in more then one thread but if u cant see how serious this is gonna affect the league of ZBN for NO REASON AT ALL, then u really need a new brain.

Posted: 03-07-2003 12:49
by NightSpirit|ZBN
Well said Harry!! :)

Bring back the old Curve!!

Posted: 03-07-2003 14:09
by Armagon
lol, don't forget the purpose of this thread please. :p

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:02
by Stulovesyou
Tribun small keeper zones put more influence on the defenders...

Me = defender
and loved this.

The key is to deny the opposition a shot without the safety of the one hit zone. This makes it harder to defend, and lets the skilled defender shine.

Any map that takes the defender away from simply being a p-box camper is good thing imo.

It puts more pressure on making intercepts - it makes it more vital to bump players - it forces teams to defend in numbers.

In fact Tribun 1.6 does a hell of a lot to improve your defensive skills as a whole. Me likey.

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:19
by Chick-kun
all that needed fixing in curve was a blocking volume so you couldnt get past into the blue goals


you didnt need to and there was no reason to

now curve IS just cube with a 90 degree bend :/

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:34
by Diab
yes prefered the old curve, with 5v5 you had just as much space as cube has..

its so short now you can banana from one goal into the other. and those pimping slat back walls are asking for wallpassing.

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:38
by R3L!K
the old curve was miles better than the current one.

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:55
by Chick-kun
R3L!K wrote: the old curve was miles better than the current one.


Posted: 03-07-2003 16:24
by Chrisfu
R3L!K wrote: the old curve was miles better than the current one.
Yep, welcome to the age of Curve wallwhore-spam.

I was never a big fan of Curve, but now... ugh.

Posted: 03-07-2003 16:29
by BlackFlame
right if "no-one" plays Curve except one clan,what is the point of changing it no one cares if its "better" cos no one plays it, the only one it affects is ZBN and in a bad way,if noone else cares whynot change it back?

Posted: 03-07-2003 16:54
by Tonnberry
About Curve:

I did the changes to it months ago. I haven't played db in ages but when I released curve there were tons of people bitching about the cage and the missing opportunity to do some wall passes above the goals.
Several people also told me that Curve was too large. There where comments like
"It looks nice, but its more like 6vs6 or 7vs7 and the cage sucks ass!!!11"
Like I said, I wasn't playing deathball anymore for some months, so I had to trust the comments I got.
The Deathball LeadDesigner and a good friend of me DavidM ( the one you bitch at all day long without any good reason to) told me the same things. I worked with him already for 2 years and he knows what he's talking about guys. So I did the changes to Curve. And I knew that there will be people bitching about it, cause there will always be people bitching about changes. That's typically human.
But if you can't stand the fixes, then stop playing the map. No one forces you to do so.


Posted: 03-07-2003 17:14
by Armagon
I did like the older curve, but I find nothing wrong with this version. It's not as pretty, but at least its more playable due to the decreased size. We were actually able to play a good game without extreme running distances, and with only 6 players.

Posted: 03-07-2003 17:18
by NightSpirit|ZBN
Force us, no. But we only have a choice of a few maps to play offical DBL games on and the offical DBL maps are also pretty much implied for ClanBase matches too. Now there is one less original map to use. :(

But we at ZBN liked the old DB-Curve and played it a lot. I thought that there were too many people complaining about volley-whoring so we don't understand why the map was changed to make this much more easier. There are other ways to score goals! :p

Sure, we could start using one of the other maps that hasn't been cubeified but unfortunatly no-one really likes Sediment (pretty as it may be) and the others recieve a mixed responce.

Is there any chance that we can have DB-OldCurve (or whatever you want to call it) as an offical DBL map with JUST the clocking volume and NECESSARY 1.7 changes (post sounds etc)??