adressing boosting/boost trick

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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Any tricks people come up with, people will bitch about it and it will be removed. Thus why we can only pass/shoot/volley

Sounds like more of a soccer game, then a killing fun FPS Sports game.
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Post by theberkin8or »

naa dis the only trick that had any value to game play was dribbling, the others like boost goals just suck the fun right out of it, i am all for tricks being there as long as they aren't overly powerful, like if the n00b cannon was made so that it wasn't as powerful it would be fine. soccer pwns, unfortaly you can caputure soccer very well with current tech, plus if you ever did you might as well just go out side and play it :p

make the game: shoot, pass, intercept, fake/juke, and a little bit of volley, and you have enough options to make the game fun, go out side of those basics and you start to lose something (one of the reasons i am not a big fan of boosting)
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Post by Surge »

NA players are trick whores... so?

We like haveing spice in our game. Different moves and abilities that exceed the normal. Its called thinking outside the box. Makes me wonder why the only countries that have been advancing in leaps and bounds tend to be those in North America.

Deathball is a simple game, its basically soccer. If i wanted to play soccer i'd go get a few friends and go outside and play. In real life i cant quad jump, i dont have a ball gun, i cant dodge 8 feet horizontally, get boosted by a blaster of some kind, or all the other "non-soccer" factors of DB and to be quite honest those are what make it fun.

Taking away the moves means taking away the options and thus taking away the fun. DB was fun a long time ago because we were discovering new skills and tactics. Now its getting drawn out and boring because opposed to moving forward we're instead limiting the game and moving backwards.

Adding options like sprint and banana did nothing for gameplay asside from having alternative methods of doing the same damn thing. Shooting, passing and boosting. In reality what was the gain of sprint and banana? Now we have to fend off sprint whores and hope like hell we dont get the banana pass bug. Their detrements to gameplay far outweigh their usefullness and reliability considering one is limited and the other can be fobbled easily by the passer or the reciever if they dont know whats going on. Same goes for bounce. If you cant volley you shouldn't be able to hold right click and get perfect accuracy. Something is wrong with that IMO, especially considering theres a bug in the coding that lets you send rocket goals at the net well over 80m/s.

As Deathball becomes more "for dummies" more dummies show up. Its called targetting an audience and right now, in my opinion your targetting the wrong audience. Your targetting a crowd of people that love soccer opposed to people who love FPS games. Deathball. Wheres the death? The only times you can die in DB are being gibbed with the ball and in the Pbox. You may as well call it "Stay Alive Ball" because thats exactly what it is and always has been.

Why must DB be a low scoring game? Why cant it be played with shock rifles and a ball gun? Makes you wonder why no other FPS mods have been made into sport games.

At one time the NA popularity was much greater than the euro popularity. Right now you have that radio staion (the name slips my mind) much like what we had a few months ago. Since then the main broadcaster has stopped playing and mapping for the game (making the maps DB-Live and DB-U). The clan he was in split up and production of new maps has slowly grided to a stop.

Maybe its just me, but i think someone missed the boat big time since 1.4b. This game should be progressive, not regressive. instead of finding a way to stop the boost goal, you found a way to stop the boost. Instead of finding a way to stop the dribble you found a way to prevent it. Again, maybe its just me, but if this game contiues its downward-spiral, dont expect to see many of the NA players around here for very much longer.

edit: woops, forgot the 3 line rule... guess no one will read it, too bad.
Last edited by Surge on 26-06-2003 22:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dream Killer »

Well I generally try and stay out of this stuff, and I also generally disagree with Surge, but I have to go with him on this one. Pretty much everything he said in that long post of his I agree with completely. And as for NA players being trick-whores, well its not our fault if we are inventive and have imagination and a willingness to keep advancing. We seem to play a completely different game than the Euros do from what I have seen, and imho it is a much better game than the one the Euros play. Thats one of the reasons that the popularity of DB has diminished so much in NA, the game is being made to suit a a different playing style than ours and while we can adapt to play that style, quite frankly, I think the Euro style is boring and offers no challenge. However, I know of no way to fix that unless an NA and a Euro version of DB are made, which won't happen, so I dunno what to do. Just sit back and watch what is left of DB die in NA is all that is left to do I guess. Anyways, just my 2 cents.
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Post by Diab »

some tricks were removed because they were way too cheap to score with, boosting goals mainly.

boosting a team mate to snatch the ball in a pass realy is mostly luck, you got like a second to do it. dribble was way too ego but i do miss it myself..but also glad its gone to bring more passing into the task.

it would be nice to see all team players able to wallkick to evade in tight corners or maby being boosted by a keeper to increase the boost speed to the original 100%? (keeper boosts only of course).
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Post by theberkin8or »

lol surge a shock rifl? rofl go play br duh, this is a sports mod not a shooting mod and who gives a shit about the name. the reason it was popular with many is becuase it was like soccer, just ask some of the NS guys, soccer is the worlds most popular sport, making a game that could come close to caputuring that would be a much greater feat, and imo a much better game than any fps you will ever play. DB was not just the same damn thing like most mods are, it wasn't just another fps game that you happend to have to own a another game to be able to play... so a big old DUH!! to you.
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

err.. :o
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Post by Surge »

Berk the point is not that it SHOULD be played with shock rifles but that if it always was you wouldnt even think of using the shield gun, just as with the shield gun you wouldnt use the shock rifle.

I find the the game design is very flawed in its concept, although based on a solid platform, Soccer. Soccer is a good game. If i wasnted to play soccer, i would. This isnt soccer. This is the point.

Soccer has limitations that DB does not, mainly gravity. In DB as i said we can quad jump. Can you quad jump in real life and progressivly gain height? The problem is not that its there, but that its too simplistic and lacks depth. The bouce defeats the purpose of have vollies and makes it easy for anyone to volley. Free-jump does the same in relation to interceptions and volleying. Pbox camping detetas the purpos of actually playing defense in a different fassion. Boosting defeats the purpose of keeping a defender back field...

The game is good, but flawed.
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Post by The_One »

remove boosting, turn on sprint and everything will be fine.
controversial? ^^
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Post by Surge »

not what i said at all... everything just seems so redundant without a downfall.
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Post by Diab »

Surge if you want the game to play how "YOU" want it, go and learn to code in unreal.

as for now its a first person "sports" mod, it needs no weapons and needs no cheap tricks to let you win.
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Post by Robotojon »

i dont see what the problem is - You can still "ninja steal" the ball, just cant carry on flying towards the enemy goal with it. Youve gained possession, isnt that enough ?
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Post by The_One »

Surge wrote: not what i said at all... everything just seems so redundant without a downfall.

i didn't say you did, that is just what i'm saying.
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Post by theberkin8or »

surge the conscept is great, it is the actually details that are a bit fuxed. also quad jump is just the ablitly to jump higher (though the ablity to hover does change things as well), in all reality the higher jumping is what makes up (sorta) for the movements possible with such a game (though bring back some form of dribbling would make this much more so). I do agree with you about many of the details (you were confusing details with conscepts i do beleave).

If only i knew how to code i would make the verson of db that ramp thought of cuz it would pwn
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Post by Surge »

even if i could code i wouldnt be able to make deathball because its technically in ownership of team vortex, especially if their mod ever gets published.