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Posted: 20-06-2003 11:31
by [1234]Jr
oh oh oh! Reminds me.. can u make it so when sum1 is keeper no1 (defenders) can stand in the small keeper box and instantly become keeper? This was a problem in 1.6, exposed to the max by FS.... :D

Posted: 20-06-2003 11:55
by Diab
what about having the old system for keep, but whoever spawns keeper gets special prioraty to only be keeper unless he leaves the pbox for more then 5 seconds? that would stop others instantly turning into a keeper.

and only keeper alowed in keeper zone (old small keeper area) would be nice. even if campers stand in frount of the keeper they would still have less time to maby make the keeper box alottle bigger foward to stop that? like a square size and not a long one.

just an idea.

Posted: 20-06-2003 12:31
by Onge
The new keeper changes are bloody excellent. Why should I go back into the keeper zone to register as a keeper? That's stupid, after all I can keep anywhere in the penalty box.

However I do see the point being raised. How about the keeper has to be out his box for 3-5 seconds before a new player can take over as keeper? Or that a new keeper has to register in the old keeper zone? Whatever you do, don't revert back to 1.6. If I sweep up it is pointless that I have to go right back to my goal to register as a keeper again...

Posted: 20-06-2003 17:21
by Goldeneye
Sycophant wrote: The new keeper changes are bloody excellent. Why should I go back into the keeper zone to register as a keeper? That's stupid, after all I can keep anywhere in the penalty box.

However I do see the point being raised. How about the keeper has to be out his box for 3-5 seconds before a new player can take over as keeper? Or that a new keeper has to register in the old keeper zone? Whatever you do, don't revert back to 1.6. If I sweep up it is pointless that I have to go right back to my goal to register as a keeper again...

hm, nice idea \o/ (mean that if you were last keep just need to reenter penzone, otherwise you have to step into keeperzone part)

Posted: 20-06-2003 17:23
by Armagon
I like the idea. If the keeper steps out of the P zone, another person cannot become the keeper unless the previous one has been gone for 5 seconds.

Posted: 20-06-2003 19:44
by theberkin8or
davidm as i read your fix (i may have read it wrong but i am on aol and don't feel like going back and checking) if you spawn as keeper but you aren't the keeper and your real keeper comes back into goal when ever you come back on D you will become keeper which would be horrible cuz instead of being on the line where you might actually be able to stop a shot you are going to be on the outside of the box.

also as for 5 second idea, it also is going to cause big problems at the begining of the game, cuz 5 seconds is plently of time to get off a nice curve shot that will go around the other team, sure it would take skill but it wouldn't be becuase you beat the other team it would be becuase you exploted the code.

so i haven't seen an idea/ fix that would work, i don't know what was the possible good of doing it like it is now anyway. except that you completely ruin your arguement earler against the ablity of a team to keep away (cuz with the keeper like this it woudl be easy to do), cuz your arguement centered around how the keeper was, now someone can play very high or out of the box with no problem what so ever, unless they do something stupid

Posted: 20-06-2003 19:57
by Cyph
DavidM wrote: from my todo list, plz check if thats solving the problem:

-An important keeper problem. When player A is keeper, player B is in pen zone (both same team). A jumps out of the pen zone, B turns into keeper.
Now the fix you need to add: When A enters pen zone again he shall be keeper again!
That doesn't fix it, what's needed is a delay on the time to become keeper, as said already.

Posted: 20-06-2003 20:27
by Diab
In the updated beta i played with David, he has added the spawn keeper, leave, someone turns keeper, reenter old keeper, he turns into keep again.

still, a timer for the other person waiting to be 2nd keeper would ne good to add.

it wont mess up the start of the round depending on how its done, start of round the spawned keeper is instantly keep and the timer takes effect for the others.

Posted: 20-06-2003 20:58
by -Camel-
i personally prefer the keep zone in 1.6. Prob cos i'm more used to it than 1.7 but it seems easier sumhow (prob just me and my overactive imagination)

Posted: 20-06-2003 21:54
by Surge
what i'd like to see is that inner keeper box again but instead of the keeper having ful power in the entire Pbox, giving them a timer and resetting it in the keepers box. Its sort of the 1.6 method but the keeper would have to stay in his K-box more and if he dives out, still has time to get back (like a 7 seocnd timer) but durring that timer is the keeper everywhere in his end of the pitch.

It would also mean he could dodge anyweher on his side of the pitch in that 7 second timeframe to get balls in the corner and such.

Posted: 20-06-2003 23:57
by cajuncook
ThaGiMiC wrote: Glad to see that the QuadJump is back again for keepers, this will mean less wall vollehs =) for most.

And it will also result in more goals. Keepers who suck (like me) will miss the ball by going too slow, too fast, or just miss it, and then they'll volley it while the keeper is still 20 meters in the air. Ugh.

Posted: 20-06-2003 23:57
by theberkin8or
"it wont mess up the start of the round depending on how its done, start of round the spawned keeper is instantly keep and the timer takes effect for the others."

um i don't follow you at all, with out the possition selector we have been asking for since back in 1.4b, the wrong person could become keeper and with the timer the real keeper would have to wait. unless some how you changed it for hte first keeper, which i guess would work but still i don't see the point to this change.

i am really interested in how davidm thinks this is going to improve game play cuz i just don't see it

Posted: 21-06-2003 00:25
by DavidM
it was just too friggin annoying to go back to the keeper zone to register again when you just step out of the box for a second
there is really nothing bad about this change

Posted: 21-06-2003 00:36
by Cyph
Have you played fs recently? They've got a tactic where a defender becomes keeper and roams around the penalty box, while the standard keeper stays on the line. When an attacker comes near and starts charging, the defender jumps out at him (and out of the pbox). If that doesn't kill him or throw his shot off, there's still a keeper in the goal who can dodge and move normally. This 1.7 change means the keeper doesn't even have to stay in his own keeper box.

Posted: 21-06-2003 00:42
by theberkin8or
yes that is the problem with this change, so sure it is annoying but it was there for good reason (well it had a good effect) i think this might be a big flaw if you leave it even with your half fix