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Posted: 17-06-2003 12:04
by Robotojon
i think he means a smaller d/l for people only wanting db (i.e. dail up people, bless their cotten socks)

also - nice work on the whole cube 3.0 - good to see that stupid 'posts' either side of the half way line gone too :)

Posted: 17-06-2003 12:20
by DavidM
ya, they were put in for architecture reasons, but this time i managed to add all stuff without them

well, tennis isnt big, it doesn't change the downloadsize much

Posted: 17-06-2003 12:37
by fs|Pele
I see tennis up there with deathball some day
- is deathball up there ? - like where ? O.o \o/

Posted: 17-06-2003 12:38
by fs|Pele
i wanna go there too , tell me the way davidm

Posted: 17-06-2003 12:45
by Harold|ZBN
all u have to do is follow the "Stairway to Heaven (tm)" tbh

Posted: 17-06-2003 12:53
by Onge
One thing I'd like to see in Cube 3.0 is the posts embedded into the wall. By this I mean I won't get stuck on the post allowing the opposition a free shot at the empty net. Apart from standing on the crossbar (which won't be necessary with quad-jump keepers), is they any need for the goalframe to be sticking out from the wall? The same applies to SmallCube too...

Posted: 17-06-2003 13:08
by ThaGiMiC
With the post sticking out slightly, helps keep me in the net =) and stops me from flying out of it more often than not. Its only a small thing but can help out occasionally I guess.

As for getting stuck on the posts??? never done that yet is it a bug?? plz explain

No need to mess with something that has worked well for so long is there??

Posted: 17-06-2003 15:55
by Maegrim
if you look at the wall in a certain angle while standing against it, you can get stuck (ie. not being able to run/dodge into the goal)

Posted: 17-06-2003 16:02
by RaGe*NL*
thnx david for the affliates o/, big thnx! btw u guys have good tuts for 3dmax? oO im totally beginner

Posted: 17-06-2003 17:30
by Scotteh has some really good tutorials for beginners ranging from unreal ed to 3d max.

Posted: 17-06-2003 18:02
by DavidM
we are a good bit closer, the server crash bug is fixed

Posted: 17-06-2003 18:08
by mannyfresh027
as deathball gets older, i think more modes should be added. keep the same basic hud, weapon, ball, etc, to make it seem like one game, but more than one gamemode doesnt hurt.

Posted: 17-06-2003 18:46
by RaGe*NL*
look this is my first attempt.. lol


Posted: 17-06-2003 18:48
by Armagon
I'm interested in this tennis mod. Keep it in please. I've heard from a few friends that HAVE played it, that it's fun. I wanna play it now, but I'll have to wait I guess.

As for the server crash bug... TAKE THAT YOU EVIL THING!

Posted: 18-06-2003 03:04
by DavidM
you'll love the tennis mode
its as addictive as deathball was at the very beginning