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Posted: 20-11-2007 14:58
by Sixty
We live in times where doctors destroy health,

- Do you actually believe that doctors go to work every day, thinking "man I'm gonna destry some bodies of innocent people today to make money :D?"

universities destroy knowledge,

- what knowledge do they destroy exactly? I'll be sure to tell my evil professors to stay the fuck out of my brain dammit.

help organizations destroy people

I'm not saying that all the "help organizations" are good, but you have to understand that SOME people DO care about other people. Yes, there is a lot of bullshit and corruption in these things, I agree.

media destroy information

- I agree that we're not being told the truth a lot of times, but media has always been, and always will be subjective. At some point you're going to have to trust certain news sources, because if you only trust your own eyes, good luck travelling around the world to witness everything firsthand.

and most important:
religions destroy spirituality.

- I hate religion, so I'm gonna go ahead and agree with you here.

Posted: 20-11-2007 16:06
by DavidM
When you look at how all organizations loges, masons, (secret) societies are connected, you will notice it's a very tricky pyramid.
You only know what you need to know for the plan of the guy above you. Same for him.
You are being made to believe what you do is good, and that's why the system works,
and that's why it's easy for 3 people to control the whole world.

Many doctors have no idea that what they do is wrong, but most do.
Or why is it that they do not give themselves or their loved ones chemo or vaccinations or medications?
They are doing business.
I'm hearing it live every day from my girlfriend who works at a doctor, and she wants to get out asap.
It's about making money.
You go crazy when you hear the sums they get for selling a medication.

The stuff is all right in our face, we just need to open our eyes. If we wait for the News on TV to show us that something is wrong, we need to wait till we die.
They only show us bad things they they serve a Al Kaida doesn't really exist, but it's good to frighten people to give up their liberties.

There are many good researchers who've spent all their life digging out the truth.
The controlled media sure make fun of them or ignore them.
The media only show you the pseudo-truth-seekers (aka Michael Moore etc...) who are just puppets in the big game.
They show you something that's bad, and you think that's all that's bad, while that was not even scratching the surface.

Once you get the slightest clue, you notice how very obvious it is,
but up to that point we are highly hypnotized by the tube, which is our gospel.
It works so well, because ALL channels are controlled.
And once one of them steps out of line, the rest of the media will crush it, so they either stop telling the truth, or people do not believe the one telling the truth anymore.

For universities, you need to check each subject.
In Biology, medicine, history you are only being told bullshit (90%+?). In math you don't need to doubt it, because they got no hypotheses, it's all logic.
Medicine is based on 5000 hypotheses and not one of them is proven.
In the studies of justice (jura) you are only being told as much so you don't get what game is being played,
just as much so you can do your job, but not see that it's a huge lie. Listen to Jordan Maxwell talking about 'Maritime Admiralty law'....that opens up a big can of worms...

Big help organizations do not help. Guess why they have so much money to produce huge shows and stuff?
It's not because love produces money.
They just instrumentalize those people who want to help, but don't see what's going on.
I've just seen how you fund poisoning kids in Africa by buying Pampers.
They give them tetanus vaccines.
If you know what this stuff actually does, not what they tell us, and what tetanus actually is, you see how big the lie is.

The internet has many independent news sources.
You don't need to believe anything, but you will see for yourself what seems most likely to be the truth.
If you trust the main media for one second you have been brainwashed already.
And mostly its not about believing, it's stuff that's in official documents that the media just don't show you.
They know they can put anything in there, because people don't read!
So some people read this stuff and show you the details on their pages.
They admit all in their documents.
They even publically admit alien contact, which is made fun of in TV for sure.

PS: I suggest checking out the works of Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, David Icke (they also got plenty at

PPS: Decide if it's about defending your point and making fun of those who think different or about finding out the truth.

Posted: 23-11-2007 00:45
by Sixty
Well, I'm going to stop defending my point and/or making fun of you anyway. I just know that I'm not going to convince you of anything, and you sure as hell aren't going to convince me.

I respect your belief in all that stuff you said above, it just amazes me that you actually believe all the things you say.

I'm going to continue living as I am, going to doctors that want to poison me, attending a university that wants to brainwash me, and watching the news which lies to me. And I'm pretty damn happy about it.

Posted: 23-11-2007 07:36
by DavidM
I've spent almost a year (so far) studying the things I'm talking about in detail.
I don't believe these things, I know them.
And the more I learn, the more I see how much I still don't know,
but more and more I see how much bigger the scam actually is.
Knowing the truth makes you ready to get free. Really free.

Posted: 23-11-2007 15:46
by Kisa
Or paranoid.

Posted: 23-11-2007 18:59
by DavidM
No, other way around. Free, you know? <3

Posted: 23-11-2007 19:57
by The_One
It's good to feel special. :)

Posted: 24-11-2007 12:09
by fro
facts pls

(hello sixty :D)

Posted: 26-11-2007 05:09
by :-)
David, I'm sure you know enough about the system and the extent to which we plebians are controlled to understand fully that you're not helping us. Think about it like this, if spent half as much time on Deathball as you spent on not saving the world we'd have Deathball on the Wii by now.

Anyway, back onto the original off topic I got up to 41. Probably because I'm American. Every question beyond approximately is inanely trivial. But it does matter; fuck all of you, I win!

Posted: 27-11-2007 19:59
by DoMmeh``
funny thing is, im german and my explorer always tranlsates the wors 4 me if i stay above them with my mouse^^ so i could go to lvl xxx

well to david I gotta say: I agree with sixty there (lol: me>59 xD) that many doctors are goin to work just doing there job not knowing they kill us all. and i think, even if they kill us all, in germany most of the population is 60+ in age. the "dying age" rises from day to day, and the people who go most often to the doctors ARE people at the age of 60+. I know im typin a bad english atm but cba to concentrate ;D

so, even if they kill us all, its imo ok because most pensioners that go to teh doctors nearly every day and eat like 20 pills a day get the age of 90. and that IS a fact because thats the most talked about thing here in germany.

Then you say: "You don't need to believe anything, but you will see for yourself what seems most likely to be the truth.
If you trust the main media for one second you have been brainwashed already."

this sounds to me like that: We've got A and B. you can believe that which you think is the better thing or makes more sence to you. but if you believe A you're brainwashed.
i see an antagonism there :o
sounds to me like you still got your point taht you KNOW all the things are right and evry1 who doesn't berlieve that is brainwashed.
but the antagonism explained above is teh better argument.

so and concluding i want to say: you say 3 people alrdy control the world and we dont know about that.
tbh, if 3 people are ruling the world by now, and got evrything under control, why not let them do this ? I dont feel interrupted or distrubed by any desicion I make in my life, im able to make evrything i want, and if thats what they call world control, fine let them do so. why not ? they dont affect me in any way by now, maximumly by paying taxes, but that is nothing which disturbes me because i get my job make money enough so i can pay them. if they feel to rule the world like this, ok let them go ahead, i dont feel anything of a dictatorship and that we don't have got democracy. u may be right at all points you say, that government fucks us up, but i dont feel this to be honest. im just livin my life and its ok. people growing to an age of 90 though they're runnin to the doctors nearly evryday, me being able to decide what i want. what more shud i want to be "free" ? surely there are things which could spare the doctors, but these costs i get there dont affect me anyway.

peace out \o

Posted: 27-11-2007 20:08
by DavidM
The "we get older all the time" thing is mighty wrong, and I don't know what makes us believe it.
People who go to the doctor all the time die young. In other culture it's normal for people to get 100+. It's totally the other way around and our medical system doesn't make us older. Common misknowledge.

The secret world rulers don't interrupt you? Sorry? Go back researching what they are doing. You are being interupted so much already, you don't even notice it anymore, obviously. They are in every little part of your life! Our lives could be 5 times easier and better, if they wanted it that way. Stop buying books if you don't read them...

And not everybody who disagrees with me is brainwashed. I'm sincerely saying, if you turn on the TV and watch it for 10 minutes, you have been lied to about 5 times and 5 other important things have been been mentioned to you. It's just distracting us from reality and thereby creating a fake reality for us.

Posted: 27-11-2007 20:32
by DavidM
PS: how would be if you would not need any fuel for your car? what if you had an unconditional basic income and no money pressure or anything like it? what if there were basically no diseases? what if there were no crime? what if there was no income tax?

impossible? no... artificially put upon us for a reason! it could be all very easy! and there were just a few examples.
i could go on for 30 minutes.

Posted: 28-11-2007 05:25
by :-)
DavidM wrote: i could go on for 30 minutes.

I can spare 30 minutes. Please go on, don't forget to use specific examples and if possible cite your sources.

Posted: 28-11-2007 18:32
by The_One
DavidM wrote: People who go to the doctor all the time die young.
So you're saying the more unhealthy a person is the shorter they live? That's astonishing. x)

Besides, the ageing population is going to become a huge problem in the not too distant future. The more of us who pop our clogs 'early' the better in a lot of ways (up to a point).

Posted: 29-11-2007 11:44
by DavidM
I mean, the lobbies tell us to go make routine checks. They are totally useless, because we know exactly what's wrong with us. Knowing the new medicine is the ultimative prevention.
But the "better" the doctor, the more likely he will find something and get you medication or he finds "cancer" (we all always have cancer, so if you look close enough you will find something) and there you go die, because of them.

They are doing population control, meaning they wanna reduce population. They say this publically everywhere. So is this the right way to solve the problem?
I say the only real way IMO is to tell people the truth and make them get max 2 kids or something. You can only solve it this way or you kill people by making them believe you do something good for them by giving them poison.

It makes me sick when I hear Bill Gates gives billions every year for population control......such a nice word, so we don't have a clue what it means.