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Posted: 23-05-2003 11:50
by Diab
trillian is so handy, i been using it for like a year and a half :D

mIRC is still nice now and again.

Posted: 23-05-2003 12:31
by -plær-
Xchat forever!

Posted: 23-05-2003 12:49
by OhWeia
-plær- wrote: Xchat forever!
\o/ :-)

Posted: 23-05-2003 14:38
by cajuncook
I use mIRC in conjunction with Trillian because I like mIRC's coding style, and I'm way too lazy to learn Trillian's code.

Posted: 23-05-2003 21:54
by nico_80
Well I've been playin online, getting a bit better. I mostly pass the ball and get assists. Scored twice though, but nothing much. I still need to up my defence but it's coming together. Anyway I have mirc, and cajuncook I tried to im but you were away.

Posted: 23-05-2003 21:55
by L33FY


Location: Southampton

Your joking o0

Posted: 24-05-2003 00:21
by -plær-
L33FY wrote: Location: Southampton[/b]

Thought you knew that already l33f. It's all a devious deception really. I'm actually a memeber of a secret underground cabal from Kazmiersikstan, and this is just a small step in our plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.:devil:

Posted: 24-05-2003 11:19
by L33FY

Soton rox :)

Posted: 24-05-2003 15:56
by Maegrim
"æ" - alt+145 (win)
"æ" - meta->a->e (linux w/ Xmodmap)
"æ" - right alt+z (win)

Posted: 27-05-2003 07:21
by Killing_U
wow this is the first cool noob i have ever seen
he actually spectated a game b4 playing
if only he was a girl with large breasts :)

Posted: 27-05-2003 16:46
by DavidM

Posted: 27-05-2003 19:29
by RaGe*NL*
noobs are pretty amusing.. especially when they found out how to pass.. i think its good he first specced before playing.. good noob \o/